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This plan met with general approval, and, after some photographs had been taken of the petrified man, and the professors had made notes, and set down data regarding him, and had tried to guess how long he had been dead, they went back to the Annihilator. "Well, did yo' all see him?" asked Washington. "We sure did," answered Jack. "You weren't mistaken that time."

Roumann, as he pointed to a machine in the projectile used for winding a cable around a windlass when there was necessity for hauling the Annihilator about, without sending it into the air. Into the receptacle of the motor, the German professor placed some of the wonderful red substance he had secured from Mars.

Thereupon Mark broke into a run, for, now that the exertion of hauling up Jack was over, he began to feel cool, and the chilling atmosphere of the moon struck through to his bones. In a short time the two lads were back at the Annihilator, where they found Professors Roumann and Henderson getting a bit anxious about them.

The electric guns were installed, ready to be run out of the openings of the living-room to repel any attack of the Martians, and then the ports were closed tightly. Finishing touches were being put on the Annihilator, and Mr. Henderson and his German friend were kept very busy.

The motor was humming and snapping away, and a gage connected with it showed that it was forcing the Annihilator along at the rate of two hundred miles a second. "That is faster even than we moved when the Etherium machine was working at its best," said Mr. Roumann with a puzzled look. "Can I have made a mistake in my calculations? I hardly think so."

"You don't mean to say you think we'll be all day finding the Annihilator, do you?" Jack paused, with a sandwich half way to his mouth as he asked this question. "Well, it's best to be on the safe side," spoke Andy guardedly. "We may find it, and, again, we may not. Save your powder against the time of need, I say by powder meaning victuals and drink.

The gas in the projectile will absorb all the heat." And this was exactly what happened. The flames had no effect on the Annihilator, whereas the electric cannons continued to mow down the Martians.

Henderson, who was working at the far end of the shop. The professor ran toward the place where the strangely acting man was, the latter having now emerged from the ship, followed by the boys. "Here we go! Off to the moon!" cried the man, and catching up a big hammer he began to pound on the sides of the Annihilator as if he would destroy the projectile. "Here! Here! Stop him!

Indeed, there did seem to be a mass of beings looking up at the approaching projectile. Very gently the Annihilator came nearer and nearer. There was no doubt now but that Mars was inhabited but by what a strange race! Before those in the projectile had time to wonder at the inhabitants, they felt a sudden jar. The Annihilator came to rest. It had landed in a soft bed of sand.

Then I want to test them, and, if I find that they work all right, as I hope, we will seal ourselves up in the Annihilator, and start for the moon." "Are you going to try to go around it, and land on the side turned away from us?" asked Mark, who had been studying astronomy lately. "What do you mean by that?" asked Jack. "Doesn't the moon turn around?"