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Updated: August 4, 2024

The Surgeon, pyjama clad, a crimson streak running diagonally across the lather on his cheek, suddenly appeared crawling on all-fours through the doorway of his shattered cabin. "I always said those safety-razors were rotten things," he observed ruefully. "I've just carved my initials on my face. And my ankle's broken. Have we been torpedoed, or what, at all?

"It's done a great deal already," and John motioned to Randall, who had ceased his pleadings, and was lying still upon the ground. "He's had a hard time of it. His ankle's sprained or broken, I don't know which, and he's crazy." The four men of the relief party looked curiously upon Randall, who presented a wretched appearance with his blackened face and rain-soaked clothes.

The circus band played close by, and at times the people cheered But in the little canvas box of a room there was silence for a long while Before it was broken the fat man came with a message. 'Poor Gill's no use to-night, governor; his ankle's worse than ever. 'All right, said Herr Pauer. 'I'll take an extra turn. Tell me when I'm wanted. 'Saltanelli's off in a minute' 'I'll follow.

Two miles from home she stopped and eyed him fixedly. "If I don't get these boots off, Alf, I shall be a 'elpless cripple for the rest of my days," she murmured. "My ankle's gone over three times." "But you can't take 'em off here," said Mr. Jobson, hastily. "Think 'ow it would look." "I must 'ave a cab or something," said his wife, hysterically. "If I don't get 'em off soon I shall scream."

Two miles from home she stopped and eyed him fixedly. "If I don't get these boots off, Alf, I shall be a 'elpless cripple for the rest of my days," she murmured. "My ankle's gone over three times." "But you can't take 'em off here," said Mr. Jobson, hastily. "Think 'ow it would look." "I must 'ave a cab or something," said his wife, hysterically. "If I don't get 'em off soon I shall scream."

Priscilla rode alongside, keeping within speaking distance of Frank. "But my ankle's not broken," he said. "It may be. Anyhow I expect a jar is just as bad for a sprain. Very likely the lecturer said so and Sylvia Courtney forgot to tell me. Pretty rotten luck this, for you, Cousin Frank, on account of the fishing. You can't possibly fish and the river's in splendid order.

He imitated Soames' actions when Soames began to fish. He watched his line as closely as the deepening dusk permitted. "Hmmm," said Soames. "Your ankle's doing all right. Lucky it was a wrench instead of a break or a sprain. Four days of riding and no walking have fixed it pretty well. It's fairly certain nobody knows where you are, too. But where do we go from here?" Fran listened.

"Why, no, I don't know 's I have. My ankle's busted, that's all. I guess I can crawl along in a minute." She remembered how fast the clock was getting on toward midnight, and spoke in dull civility. "You come in. I'll bandage ye up. Mebbe 'twill save ye a sprain."

I escaped, and it chased me here, and we fought again. I thought my end had come, when it must have heard you, and it made off through the bush towards the mountain, going like the wind." "By cripes!" ejaculated the youth in an awed voice. "Did he hurt yeh much?" asked the man. "My ankle's sprained, and I've got a broken rib and a cut head," answered Nickie; "but losing my clothes is the worst.

They never did anything for me at home but abuse me. Hugh Garth was the only relation I ever had in the world that spoke kind to me. Remember how I used to run over from my folks to tuck you into bed in your little room above the shop, Pete? No, you were too little." "Of course, I remember," the boy replied. "The ankle's fine now, Bella. Let up. I can't stand that rubbing.

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