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In spite of wailing protests, Amarilly administered a spanking to the two younger children that worked effectually against further repetition of their hazardous performances. But Bobby tobogganed down the roof during its shingling and sprained his ankle, which necessitated the use of crutches. "He can break his neck if he wants to," remarked Amarilly, when besought by Co to punish him too. Mrs.

So much prosperity was scarcely believable. "Fust the Guild school, Miss King's washing, the surpluses, and now Bud!" thought Amarilly exuberantly. "Next thing I know, I'll be on the stage." "I must go," said Colette presently. "My car is just around the corner on the next street. John, will you ride uptown with me?" He accepted the invitation with alacrity.

You said mebby you could git his wash fer us." "No, Amarilly. I did not mean that. St. Mark's is the name of the church where he officiates. He could never under any conditions be a St. Mark." "Wat's his name?" "St. John, of course. And most people call him a rector, but really your name suits him best. He does preach sometimes to me."

When she had concluded her narrative, Derry, to her surprise and sorrow, looked positively jubilant. "And you don't want to live in the country, eh, Amarilly?" "No, Mr. Derry," she protested. "I don't.

At eleven o'clock the place was in perfect order, and she went into the studio where Deny was at work. "Shall I go get the things fer lunch?" "Luncheon, if you please, Amarilly. I like that word better. It seems to mean daintier things. Here's a five-dollar bill. Get what you consider proper for a simple little home luncheon, you know. Nothing elaborate."

I was yes, I will 'fess up, John, I was unreasonable, as you said and No, John! wait until I finish before you " "You want to know how and where it was found? It seems at the same time your surplice was laundered, a lace waist of mine was at their house. I didn't care for a 'fumigated waist' so, like you, I made Amarilly a present perforce.

Amarilly solemnly accepted this invitation, and then went home, trundling a big cart which contained the surplices and the rectory laundry. Colette's remarks, so innocently repeated to him, made John take himself to task. "I knew," he thought rapturously, "that she was pure gold at heart. And it is only her sweet willfulness that is hiding it from me."

The sacred concert was pronounced a great success by the audience, who promptly dispersed at its close. While the Boarder was shifting the curtains to their former positions, and Mrs. Jenkins and Amarilly were busily engaged in divesting the choir of their costumes, the front door opened and disclosed a vision of loveliness in the form of Colette.

"I perpose," suggested Flamingus patronizingly, "that we start a cow fund and all chip in and help Gus out." "Sure thing!" declared the generous Amarilly. "He can have all my savings. We ought to all help Gus get a start." "I'm in," cried Bobby. "You kin hev all you want from me, Gus," offered Bud. Firmly and disdainfully Gus rejected all these offers and suggestions.

He painted the surplus onto a man playin' on a orgin." She hesitated a moment, and then continued: "I'm agoin' to work reg'lur fer him instead of to the theayter. I'm agoin' to git his breakfast and clean his rooms. He'll pay me the same as I got. He's a sort of eddicatin' me too." "Why, how is that, Amarilly?" asked John in perplexity. "He larnt me not to say 'et' and 'kin."