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Updated: August 24, 2024

They couldn't kerry him no furder, an' sot him deown; an' there wuz all the trees a-wavin' overhead ag'in, an' all the sweet scents a-beatin' abeout the air, jest uz it wuz a year ago w'en he parted from me so strong an' whole an' harnsome; all the fleowers wuz a-blossomin', all the winds wuz blowin' an' this lump uv torn flesh an' broken bones wuz 'Miah.

"Nelson Haley openin' aour school and takin' up the good work ag'in where he laid it daown, is suthin' that oughter be noted a-plenty," declared Mr. Dexter. "And I will say for 'em, that committee reinstated him before anybody heard anythin' abeout Jack Besmith havin' stole the gold coins.

"It's a problem for one o' them smart detecatifs ye read abeout in the magazines one o' them like they have in stories. I read abeout one of 'em in a story. Yeou leave him smell the puffumery on a gal's handkerchief and he'll tell right away whether she was a blonde or a brunette, an' what size glove she wore! Haw! haw! haw! "This ain't no laughing matter, Walky," Mr.

"Thar 's somethin' abeout a log," continued Captain Leezur; "when ye go inter the heouse in warm weather, an' sets deown in a cheer, the women kind o' looks at ye as though you was sick or dreffle lazy; but when ye're eout settin' on a log ye feels as though God was on yewr side, an' man nor woman wa'n't able to afflict ye.

Mitt'ns is jest abeout 'ithin the compass uv your mind, mitt'ns, men's single mitt'ns, put up on needles larger 'n them o' yourn be, an' by this rule. Seventeen reounds in the wrist, tew an' one's the best seam" "Now, Miss Jemimy, just as if I didn't know how to knit mittens!"

Day, with wondering satisfaction, more than once declared, "it does seem as though your Pa, Marty, has a whole lot more time to gad abeout now than he use ter yet we're gettin' along better. I don't understand it." "Huh!" grunted Marty. "See all the work I do. Don't ye s'pose that counts none?" Janice merely smiled quietly as she heard this conversation.

"Why, hang it, a chance to live an' dew abeout what I want tew. The moose an' wolves an' wildcats hev all ben hunted eout o' that kentry. Thar wa'nt no kind ev a chance there. So I cam' here". "You have a wife, I suppose, Mr. Micah?" "Wife! no. Do ye spose I want to hev a woman kep' skeered a most to death abeout me, all the time? I'm a fishin' an' huntin good part o' the year.

But I've jest thought that as long as I'm a goin' to be in the place, I might as well step in afore the jury and say what I know abeout the case". "Thank you, Micah. I believe you have been present whenever I have discoursed to our friends, and know precisely what I have said to them". "Well, I guess I dew, pooty nigh". The affair being thus arranged, the party separated. Mr.

"What youans larffin' abeout?" she demanded. "We're laughing at the house," cried Natalie. "It's got its mouth open and the funniest look on its face. Come and see." "Mo' nonsense," grunted mammy and slammed the door. Then it was that the house seemed to withdraw suddenly into the primness of virginal white paint. "That's what it wanted," cried Natalie, excitedly "just to get its mouth shut.

I thought yeou'd be speakin' o' that. I'm forty year old and she's abeout eighteen, or so. Consid'able difference in eour ages. I told her abeout that t'other day, and she sed, well she didn't see but I 'peared abeout as young as she did. She didn't see much difference. So ef she's sahtisfied, I'd oughter be. But Captin, I'll tell ye, she's a curus leetle critter as ever ye see.

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