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"I know it," said Trask. "Could have told you in fifteen minutes, if you hadn't wanted to cheat Dinshaw out of it." "We wouldn't a-come if we'd knowed this was a sell," said Peth. "Weren't you paid to come?" "He ain't got no gun," yelled Doc. "The island is full o' gold, cap'n. Yo' got to cook it an' "

The Sergeant told him, with tears in his eyes, all about his child, and how his heart yearned for her, and how gentle and obedient she was, until I think the lad would have dashed into a Mingo camp single-handed, rather than not a-come." "We thank him, and shall think the better of him for his readiness; though I suppose the boy has run no great risk, after all."

But I managed to crawl out, and in climbing up the mountain side found yonder cave and came through to this end. In the cave I found the bear and he followed me to here. You know the rest." "Wall! wall! You have had a narrow escape, youngster, an' no disputin' the p'int. Ef I hadn't a-come as I did, thet air bar would have chawed ye up in no time." "I know it, Mr. Carson. Your kind "

Quick!" as the neighbors and townsmen crowded in and filled the little kitchen demanding to know where the fire was. Mrs. Carson with dignity stepped forward to explain: "There ain't any fire, friends, an' I don't know how you all come to get here, but I reckon the Lord sent you. You couldn't a-come at a better moment.

"Sure thing." "Well, after you unload, drive around by the other barn and get Ben. He's in the corral. Tell Matthews to be easy with 'm. An' get a gun. Sammy's got one. You'll have to see to the big roan. I ain't got time now. Why couldn't Matthews a-come along with you for Ben? You'd save time." "Oh, he's just stickin' around waitin'," the driver answered. "He reckoned I could get Ben."

Hennage opened his eyes, but since he was not one of the presuming kind he quickly closed them again and feigned unconsciousness until he felt Donna's soft hand resting on his cold forehead. "You oughtn't to a-come here, Donnie" he said, making a brave show to speak easily despite his terrible wounds. "There ain't no fun in this visit for nobody but me "

Well, somebody hey took the old place at last. In acknowledging her route Margery brought herself to ask who the new gentleman might be. 'Guide the girl's heart! What! don't she know? And yet how should ye he's only just a-come. Well, nominal, he's a fishing gentleman, come for the summer only.

Hazelton, o' course yo' is pore, or yo' wouldn't a-come down yere a-teachin' school among these barbarians; thet is, pore ez fur ez money goes. I've been lucky. I've $4,000 in ther bank which I've no need of. If you'll let me give you thet, no one'd ever know it, and the reckerlection uv it, 'nd ther thot thet it may be doin' yo' some good'll give me heaps more pleasure than keepin' of it would.

Then Duckie was released and fed and departed to gabble her wrongs to the other white ducks that were preening themselves amongst the deep green grass of the adjacent orchard. "You can 'ear that bird a mile away she's never done talking!" said Mrs. Darke as the indignant gabble grew fainter in the distance. "But 'ere's my old man a-come to look at the plum tree. Wonder what he'll say to it?

Some thinks as how you're a Polish nob, what got into hot water with the Russians; some as how you're a Italian prince, what was cleaned out like Parma and them was; some as how you're a Austrian Archduke that have cut your country because you was in love with the Empress, and had a duel about her that scandalized the whole empire; some as how you're a exiled Spanish grandee a-come to learn tactics and that like, that you may go back, and pitch O'Donnell into the middle of next week, whenever you see a chance to cut in and try conclusions with him.