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Th' sailor what keeps the gate said so an' was real decent. Said he'd heard o' Cap'n Beck, he had, an' if he'd a-come he'd a-knowed. Told me better call ag'in, might get there yet, an' I'll go," reported Nick, putting a cheerful tone into his words for pity of Glory's downcast face. "Didn't do a quarter th' hospitals they is, but he ain't in none them I have," said Billy. "But I'll tell ye.

For an hour following her going, an' you'll believe me an' I had it from his wife's cousin a-come ten year this simple time when I visited my sister's daughter Nan at Brentford his hogs fell sick an' died to the number o' twenty an' he helpless afore their bloating and swelling.

That, Jordan insisted should be paid out of his share, and it took an hour to talk him out of it. Then it required another half hour for the three to bulldoze McGregor into accepting it. The convincing argument was made by Jordan, who said: "Supposin' you hedn't a-come, whar would I a-bin now?" McGregor went out, and then Browning said: "I have a little matter to speak of.

"'Pears to me it was Old Nick! I know one thing: I shouldn't a-come if I had known what an adventur' I was a-goin' to have," mumbled the old woman to herself. Hannah, who had not heard her words, spoke again: "You'll stay?"

I didn' wanter open de do', fer w'ite folks is monst'us pertickler 'bout dey smoke-'ouses; en ef de oberseah had a-come up en cotch me in dere, he mou't not wanter b'lieve I wuz des lookin' fer Dave. So I sorter knock at de do' en call' out ag'in: "'O Dave, hit's me Julius! Doan be skeered. Mars Dugal' wants yer ter come up ter de big house, he done 'skivered who stole de ham.

"Sally," Wile McCager spoke, soothingly, "don't go gittin' mad. Caleb talks hasty. We knows ye used ter be Samson's gal, an' we hain't aimin' ter hurt yore feelin's. But Samson's done left the mountings. I reckon ef he wanted ter come back, he'd a-come afore now. Let him stay whar he's at." "Whar is he at?" demanded old Caleb Wiley, in a truculent voice.

"You'd a-thought Henry would a-come," whispered Sol; "but we decided that he was too tall an' somehow too strikin'-lookin' to come in here ez a common, everyday Injun, so it fell to me to loaf in, me bein' a tired-lookin' sort o' feller, anyway. But they're out thar in the woods a-waitin', Henry an' Tom Ross an' that ornery cuss, Jim Hart."

He got up slowly and heavily, and went indoors, and he was so nice to his wife that day that she felt quite happy, and said to herself, 'Law, whatever have a-come to the man! and smartened herself up and put a blue ribbon bow at the place where her collar fastened on, and looked so pretty that he was kinder than ever. So perhaps the winged children really did do one good thing that day.

Harold come along as she done, to give me a hint or two where Miss Peggy was concerned, for that child had taken to growing up in a way that was fair taking the breath out of my body, and was a-getting clear beyond me though, praises be, she didn't suspicion the fact. If she had a-done it my time would a-come for sure. But the good Lord sent Mrs.

And verily, to mak' acquaintance with a man a-come from so far, from the land o' perpetual snow, as we may say, where wolves and wild boars and other dangerous animalcules be as common as blackbirds here-about why, 'tis a thing we can't do every day; and there's good sound information for bide-at-homes like we when such a man opens his mouth."