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Updated: August 14, 2024

As for its striking thirty-one, that indeed is something remarkable, for I never heard one of mine strike more than twelve, and that's zactly the number they're regulated to strike.

"I don't 'zactly 'member 'bout goin' over to de field, but when I got dar wid dem two babies in my arms an' stood 'long side o' Miss May " Mammy Delphy spoke more and more slowly. She had stopped picking the chicken, and great tears were rolling down her cheeks. The boys stood stricken and silent.

What she saw sent her flying back to the cabin with her mouth open and her limbs shaking. "Gordon Lee," she cried, "whose coffin is that settin' in our coal-shed?" The candidate for the next world looked very much embarrassed. "Well, 'Mandy," he began lamely, "I can't say 'zactly ez hit's any pusson's jes yit. But hit's gwine be mine when de summons comes."

"But you MUST know SOMETHING," declared Dorothy, getting provoked. "Must I?" he asked, looking up in surprise. "Of course you must." "What must I know?" "What's going to become of you, for one thing," she answered. "Do YOU know what's going to become of me?" he asked. "Not not 'zactly," she admitted. "Do you know what's going to become of YOU?" he continued, earnestly.

I don't know zactly what it means, but I think it's kind o' splendid, don't you?" I DID know the old song; I had heard it in a Western camp-meeting, when scarcely older than Budge, and it left upon my mind just the effect it seemed to have done on his. I blessed his sympathetic young heart, and snatched him into my arms. Instantly he became all boy again.

"He was dark like an Arab or a Moor, but he belonged to a race that built cities and ships, tamed horses, and fought scientific battles." "'Zactly," said Jordan. "And he wur a fighter from way back?" "Yes," responded Sedgwick, "when the few great captains in the world are thought of, he is about third or fourth in the list." "Thay ain't much in men, Jim. Thar's everything in a man," said Jordan.

"Hain't it jest posserble," said Jordan, "thet what war really the fact war thet the Gipshins war drowned jest ter git 'em outer ther misery in this cussed place, and ther Jews war saved jest ter punish 'em?" "I never thought of that," said Sedgwick. "But if the weather then was anything like it is now, the theory is not improbable." "'Zactly," said Jordan.

She saw Sue holding her nose in one hand, while Bunny's nose was turning from white to red as the blood came back into it. "Have you children been bumping noses again?" she asked. This was a game Bunny and Sue sometimes played, though they had been told not to. "No, Mother; we weren't 'zactly banging noses," explained Bunny.

He neglected his family and business, he wur thet fur gone; finally got hisself killed, and then she pizened herself with a sarpent, not a moccasin nor rattler, but a little short blue-brown scrub snake not a foot long." "You mean Antony and Cleopatra," said Sedgwick. "'Zactly, Cleopatra," said Jordan. "She wer ther one.

Old Hiram came into the judge's room, a candle in his hand. "There's a man wishin' to see you, judge, sah," he announced. Judge Maxwell started from his reverie. In the minute that had passed between the ring at the door and the entry of Hiram, he had put the visitor out of his head. "A gentleman to see me, Hiram? Who is it?" "No, sah; I don't think he's 'zactly a gentleman, sah.

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