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"Oh, how glad you must be," sighed Pollyanna, enviously. "Sometimes I get to thinking, if only I could just SEE father once but you do see your father, don't you?" "Not often. You see, I'm down here." "But you CAN see him and I can't, mine. He's gone to be with mother and the rest of us up in Heaven, and Have you got a mother, too an earth mother?" "Y-yes."

Because there is nothing to make either of us unhappy; is there?" "Oh-h, no." "Exactly. So we're not going to be unhappy; not one bit. First because we love each other, anyway; don't we?" "Y-yes." "Of course we do. And now, just because I happen to love you in that way and also in a different sort of way, in addition to that way, why, it's nothing for anybody to cry about it; is it, Eileen?"

"You don't have to do anything. You've done it already. Show yourself, that's all. Hurry! Don't you hear them howling like a band of Comanche Indians?" "Y-yes." "They want you." By this time Mr. Sparling was fairly dragging Phil along with him. As they entered the big top the cheering broke out afresh. Phil was more disturbed than ever before in his life.

"You're the fellow that read the semaphore message, aren't you?" the officer demanded. "Y-yes, sir, but I didn't notice them any more since I found out I shouldn't." Then he mustered courage to add, "I only went back there because it was dark and lonely, kind of. I was thinking about where I live and things "

Lavendar, bear with us for a few years, we are so ridiculously young! It is our growing time, and what you want in a young plant is growth, isn't it?" "Y-yes," Lavendar replied: then with a twinkle in his blue eyes he added: "Only somehow we don't like to hear a plant grow! It should manage to perform the operation quite silently, showing not processes but results.

She looked him straight in the eyes; her breath caught, but she steadied her voice: "I've got to be truthful," she said; "I care for you more than for Gerald." "And I for you more than anybody living," he said. "Is it true?" "It is the truth, Eileen." "You you make me very happy, Captain Selwyn." "But did you not know it before I told you?" "I y-yes; I hoped so."

"Y-yes, n-no I mean, yes, I remember it," she stuttered; "but I I don't think it's always so now. I mean that is, I'm sure your home now is is lovely just as 'tis, and " "But it's my home I'm talking about, child," interrupted the man, impatiently. "Pollyanna, you know the kind of home I once hoped to have, and how those hopes were dashed to the ground. Don't think, dear, I'm blaming your mother.

For a moment there was silence; then she continued: 'Oh, I suppose if it were all sifted down I should find that it is largely egotism on my part. He waited, not wanting to alter her course by any injudicious comment. 'Mr. Selwyn, she said abruptly, 'do you feel that there is a Higher Purpose working through life? 'Y-yes, he said, rather startled, 'I think there is.

"Y-yes," she answered half doubtfully, looking at her father. "I'd like to go, but I can't leave him here alone." "I'll see to yer father, miss," replied Alec, "sae ye gang along." "Oh, thank you, Mr. McPherson, but I'm half afraid to go, as I will be the only woman there." "The greater reason fer ye to come, lassie," broke in Pete.

"You're killing me," the convict gasped. "Enough?" "Y-yes." Curly stepped back quickly, ready either for a knife or a gun-play. Blackwell got to his feet, and glared at him. "A man is like a watermelon; you can't most generally tell how good he is till you thump him," Sam chuckled. Cranston laughed. "Curly was not so ripe for picking as you figured, Lute.