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" You don't have to be very learned to know that." "I do not say that Coleman has not a very nice thing of it, but I must say it is hard to think of his getting any such sum, as you mention." " Isn't he known as the most brilliant journalist in New York?" she demanded harshly. " Y-yes, as long as it lasts, but then one never knows when he will be out in the street penniless.

Isadora Shongut paused in the act of mounting the front steps and turned a blood-driven face toward his neighbor. His under jaw sagged and trembled, and his well-knit body seemed to have lost its power to stand erect, so that his clothes bagged. "Good evening, Mrs. Lissman." "You're home early to-night, Izzy?" "Y-yes."

"Why, y-yes, Pollyanna," murmured Miss Polly, vaguely wondering why she did not get up at once and go to look for that shawl. "And of course NOW I just love this room, even if it hasn't got the carpets and curtains and pictures that I'd been want " With a painful blush Pollyanna stopped short. She was plunging into an entirely different sentence when her aunt interrupted her sharply.

It's your chance, Kauf! Do you want it?" "Y-yes, sir!" "Good! I'll double your salary, including all this week. Now can you finish this banquet set to-night, while you have the people s" "To-night!" Kauf's eyes went wide, then he started to flush. "Well, to-morrow, then! We simply can't lay off a day, Kauf!" "All all right, sir!"

"Mis' Greggory, the lame one?" "No; Miss Greggory Miss Alice." "Oh! Yes'm." "Then won't you ask her to come to the telephone, please." There was a moment's wait, during which Billy's small, well-shod foot beat a nervous tattoo on the floor. "Oh, is that you, Alice?" she called then. "Are you going to be home for an hour or two?" "Why, y-yes; yes, indeed." "Then I'm coming over.

"Only questioned me about it now and then," replied Whitney casually, and Charles Miller alone noted the nervous twitching of his eyelids. "Was the electric light turned on in Mr. Spencer's room when you left him for the night?" "Y-yes." Whitney reflected for a moment, then added, "I believe the bulb by the bureau was burning, but I can't swear to it." "Did Mr.

I opened my window and called to him to ask if he had bought the horse. "N-no the man won't meet my price." "Well, can't you meet his?" "Y-yes, I could," he replied slowly. "But I don't think I've got enough money on me." "I could lend you some." At this Nikolai smiled and shook his head as though my offer were a fairy tale. "Thank you just the same," he said, turning to walk away.

His squinted pilot-eye came back from the glacier track and fell on the outlandish figure of his passenger. And with an inward admiration of his quality of extreme old-birdness, the Captain struggled against the trance. "Didn't I hear you say something about going to Dawson?" "Y-yes. I think Dawson'll be worth seeing." "Holy Moses, yes! There's never been anything like Dawson before."

"My lord," said the landlord, bowing to the floor, "h-had I ex-expected this honour, entertainment would have been ready. T-t-there is wine and cold fowl and m-m-maybe " "Candles," said the marquis, spreading the fingers of one plump white hand in a gesture he had. "Y-yes, my lord." He fetched half a dozen candles, lighted them, and set them upon the table.

He kicked against the bottom step of the stairway impatiently. "Did you wipe your feet when you came in?" came the disconcerting inquiry. "I don't want the carpets all over mud." "Y-yes." "Go back and wipe them right away. Then come up and tell me what you want." He gave his offending shoes a half-rub against the fiber mat on the porch, and was up by her side in another moment.