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'That 'ere your governor's luggage, Sammy? inquired Mr. Weller of his affectionate son, as he entered the yard of the Bull Inn, Whitechapel, with a travelling-bag and a small portmanteau. 'You might ha' made a worser guess than that, old feller, replied Mr. Weller the younger, setting down his burden in the yard, and sitting himself down upon it afterwards.

"Well, the worse pickle we was in, so much the worser in you not to help us; for you knowed where we were fast enough, because, while I laid in the mud, I'm pretty sure I heard you snigger: so it's like enough you jostled us down yourself; for Monsieur Du Bois says, that he is sure he had a great jolt given him, or he shouldn't have fell."

I was blinded with passion and yielded to my worser mind; therefore I will make amends, and will give him great gifts by way of atonement. I will tell them in the presence of you all. I will give him seven tripods that have never yet been on the fire, and ten talents of gold. I will give him twenty iron cauldrons and twelve strong horses that have won races and carried off prizes.

"Si fuerit dolus?" Had I not had enough of notoriety? Enough of laughter, calumny, and ridicule? Must I drag my honest and hitherto respected name through the mire, and become the laughing-stock of every fop throughout the country? No, anything but that! Help me, thou worser self, thou Devil in my own breast, help me to find some revenge worthy of a Devil's teaching!

Yet meseemeth there be worser folks than I. I am alway regular at shrift." "The which shrift thou shouldst little need, if thou hadst never failed in duty. But how shall our Lord make thee safe?" "Why, forgive me my sins," replied Amphillis, looking puzzled. "That saith what He shall do, not how He shall do it. Thy sins are a debt to God's law and righteousness.

"Well, Pat, a year is a dreary long time for a poor boy to be locked up all for nothing; and poor Tim won't bear up well as most might; but he that put him there will soon be sent where he'll be treated even worser than Tim at Ballinamore; and he won't get out of it that soon. By G d, I'd sooner be in Tim's shoes this night than in Captain Ussher's, fine gentleman as he thinks hisself!"

Did you ever hear what he once said to a lady at a ball; you know, about the docket? Alice said that she had heard the story, and the conversation turned on Mr. Lynch. Mrs. Gould admitted that he was the worser of the two. 'He smells so dreadfully of whiskey, said Alice timidly. 'Ah! you see she is coming out of her shell at last, exclaimed May.

I thought I had but to do well and be as good as I could, and I should sure come out safe. And I have tried that way awhile, and it serves not. First, I can't be good when I would: and again, the better I am as folks commonly reckon goodness the worser I feel.

I want to know how this affair happened last night, and how it occurred that you were present at it. It's a bad business, Barney." "Devil a worser," replied Barney, "especially for poor Mr. Charles. I ran to the spot I heard the skirls comin' from, and there I found Mr. Charles, lyin' as if dead, and Grace Davoren with her hands clasped like a mad woman over him.

But the conquering of Self is a battle in which each fresh victory bestows a deeper content, a larger happiness, a more perfect peace, and neither poverty, sickness, nor misfortune can quench the courage, or abate the ardor, of the warrior who is absorbed in a crusade against his own worser passions.