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It would seem from the present outlook that, for some time, at least, the so-called woman's magazine of large purpose and wide vision is very likely to be edited by a man. It is a question, however, whether the day of the woman's magazine, as we have known it, is not passing.

Ben relaxed his hold a little, and the girl continued: "The brat ain't mine it air a woman's on the hill. She didn't like it, and gave it to me, with a little money, till Daddy comes back." "Whose brat air it?" "A woman's I says, a-livin' on the hill." The words struggled through the fishy hand. "Ye'll take it back to her to-night, ye does; then ye comes with me to the shanty.

There was something unintentionally insolent in her precocity, in her habitual treatment of adults as equals; but now her face changed almost to a child's, and with a glad tearful cry of 'Oh, grandmother! she sprang into the old woman's arms. It was the compensation for little Joseph's 'mamma. Tears ran down the old woman's cheeks as she hugged the strayed lamb to her breast.

Some of 'em. And there's been a funeral ordered. 'A funeral? Whose funeral? From us? 'Yes, sir; but whose that's another point. You see, I've just run along to let you know how far I've got. Not that you gave me any instructions. But when I heard of a funeral 'Is it a man's or a woman's? Hugo demanded, thinking to himself: 'I must keep calm. I must keep calm. 'Don't know, sir.

This woman had accepted her trial, but she took it up as an inflexible fate which she did not understand; it was new to her; its solitude, its hopeless thirst were freshly bitter. She loathed herself as one whom God had thought unworthy of every woman's right, to love and be loved. She went to the window, looking blankly out into the gray cold.

A fire was crackling in the stove and drawing in the air from the room. The woman's voice sounded evenly. "People are a great deal more stupid than bad. They can see only what's near to them, what it's possible to grasp immediately; but everything that's near is cheap; what's distant is dear.

A mill and a woman are always in want of something, as our proverb says; but though we may know what a mill requires, who can guess a woman's whims? I am dazed with guessing wrong. I don't intend to be hard or cruel. It is not in me to be cruel to any woman. But how if your own woman is cruel to you?" They had reached the shrine a little alcove in a rotting mass of brick and plaster.

I love a fight, especially with a man who thinks himself wiser than I am! That is where men are so ridiculous, they always think themselves wiser than women, even though some of them can't earn their own living except through a woman's means. Lots of men will take a woman's money, and sneer at her while spending it! I know them!"

Had I been in any other position I should not have suffered so much; but I had unfortunately fallen flat on my back, and was now lying with my face upwards, pressed upon by the broadest part of the old woman's body; my nose was flattened, and my breath completely stopped.

Here Miss Lavinia descended on the ill-starred young gentleman with a crushing supposition that at all events it was no business of his. This disposed of Mr. Sampson in a melancholy retirement of spirit, until the cherub arrived, whose amazement at the lovely woman's occupation was great.