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Updated: August 15, 2024

"I'll hunt Brown up and persuade him to make the wild-horse drive with us. He's " "By George, I forgot some more," interrupted Smith, slapping his leg. "Bill said Wiggate broke with Jard Hardman. Wiggate started this wild-hoss buyin' an' shippin' east. Hardman had to get his finger in the pie. Now Wiggate is a big man an' he has plenty of money. I always heard him well spoken of.

It seems to me they can't be hunted. Deer and wild hosses by the thousand browse hyar on the mountain in summer, an' down in the breaks in winter. The cougars live fat. You'll find deer and wild-hoss carcasses all over this country. You'll find lions' dens full of bones. You'll find warm deer left for the coyotes. But whether you'll find the cougars, I can't say.

"Boys, seein' the King go thet way wasn't nothin'.... But what crucifies me is WILL THET FETCH HER BACK?" "God only knows!" replied Holley. "Mebbe not I reckon not! ... But, Bostil, you forget Slone is out there on Lucy's trail. Out there ahead of Joel! Slone he's a wild-hoss hunter the keenest I ever seen. Do you think Creech can shake him on a trail?

He's talked some of wild-hoss wranglin'. But thet takes an outfit, which he ain't got. I'll give you a hunch, son. If you can stake your dad to an outfit an' throw in with him you might give him another start." Pan had on his tongue an enthusiastic reply to that, but the entrance of the curious Matthews halted him. "Thank you, Mr. Smith," he said, eagerly. "Where'll I find Carter's Wagon Shop?"

"Drive in," shouted Pan from behind. "We'll camp here tonight." "Howdy thar, you ole wild-hoss night wrangler," yelled Blinky to Gus. "Howdy, yourself," was the reply. "You can bet your roll that I never expected to see you agin. What'd you do to Marco?" They drove in along the west fence, where a row of trees shaded the still hot sun.

It was his rider's hot blood that prompted him to launch this taunt. He could not help it. "You wild-hoss chaser," roared Bostil, "your Wildfire may be a bloody killer, but he can't beat the King in a race!" "Excuse ME, Bostil, but Wildfire did beat the King!" This was only adding fuel to the fire. Slone saw Holley making signs that must have meant silence would be best. But Slone's blood was up.

"Boss, she double-crossed me same as you! ... She promised faithful to stay in the house." "Promises nothin'!" roared Bostil. "She's in love with this wild-hoss wrangler! She met him last night!" "I couldn't help thet," retorted Holley. "An' I trusted the girl." Bostil tossed his hands. He struggled with his rage. He had no fear that Lucy would not soon be found.

And, softly toning its drab austerity, here grew the white sage, waving in the breeze, the Indian Paint Brush, with vivid vermilion flower, and patches of fresh, green grass. "The White King, as we Arizona wild-hoss wranglers calls this mustang, is mighty pertickler about his feed, an' he ranged along here last night, easy like, browsin' on this white sage," said Stewart.

After supper, however, there seemed to be a lessening of restraint, with the conversation turning to the corrals full of wild horses. "Wal, let's go an' look 'em over," proposed Blinky. Pan was glad to see his father able and eager to accompany them, but he did not go himself. "Come on, you wild-hoss trapper," called Blinky. "We want to bet on how rich we are."

New country up there. Gold an' silver minin', some cattle outfits goin' in, an lately I heerd of some big wild-hoss deals on." "Well," exclaimed Pan, in profound amaze and sorrow at this news. "It's a wide-open frontier place, all right," declared Campbell. "Some cowpuncher rode through here an' talked about Marco. He said they stepped high, wide an' handsome up there."

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