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The heat, however, produced thirst, and no water was near in which we could quench it. "I say, Ratto," observed Whiskerandos, "do you see yonder object, near that sheaf, that glitters so brightly in the sun?" "It is a can," replied I, "doubtless belonging to one of the reapers." "I should not wonder if there were a hunch of bread and cheese beside it," said Whiskerandos.

Early in spring, one sunny morn, I received a visit from my old comrade Whiskerandos. He was full of life and spirits. "Ratto," cried he, "I have often heard you say that you and I should visit foreign countries together; we've a capital opportunity now. A vessel is to weigh anchor to-morrow.

"Where is our vessel?" whispered I to Whiskerandos. "Yonder; don't you see her black hull?" "But how are we to get to her?" said I. nervously; "I have no great mind to swim." "Do you mark that dark line that cuts the sky? That is the rope which fastens her to shore. We will make our way easily along that."

Then oh! the horrible sensation which I experienced, never shall I forget it! I felt that our sack was roughly pushed by some one, then suddenly lifted on high! "We are lost!" I gasped to Whiskerandos. Then another sort of motion succeeded, accompanied by a heavy rumbling sound, like that of the rolling wheel of a truck. Every hair of mine quivered with fear!

Off I scampered to Oddity, half out of breath with excitement; and giving him the news which I had just received, I begged him to accompany Whiskerandos and myself on a pleasure excursion to Russia. The piebald one bluntly declined.

That at a given signal we set upon them and let the blood out of their jugulars. We shall thus gain the mastery of the ship, and be able to enjoy unlimited freedom." "General Whiskerandos, your remarks savour very much of war, but pardon me remarking, very little of wisdom," remarked the aged orator. "You have omitted to mention several important matters.

When I met my old friend Whiskerandos, it was usually at night, as moving about by day was dangerous; for who ever showed mercy to a rat, or even thought of inquiring whether he possessed qualities which might render him deserving of it?

I beg your pardon!" replied Whiskerandos, regaining his usual brisk manner; "don't you remember old Furry telling us that his reason for quitting China was, that he was afraid of being dished up for the dinner of some mighty mandarin, whose hair hung in a long tail behind him?

The lively rat shook his ears with all his natural vivacity. "Pardon me," he cried, "but I'm of Oddity's opinion, heroes like Sir Whiskerandos are the very worst travelling companions in the world! How Ratto has escaped with his life I cannot imagine, but I shall certainly not try the experiment of following your fortunes for an hour!

"My ugliness has at least done me no harm," he replied, with a meekness which made me more ashamed of my rudeness than if he had fired up at my ridicule. "And so you live all together here?" said Whiskerandos; "this farmer, his wife, the two boys, and you?" "Yes, and we are as happy as the day is long."