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The lively rat shook his ears with all his natural vivacity. "Pardon me," he cried, "but I'm of Oddity's opinion, heroes like Sir Whiskerandos are the very worst travelling companions in the world! How Ratto has escaped with his life I cannot imagine, but I shall certainly not try the experiment of following your fortunes for an hour!

Her kindness and good nature in dealing with her sister artists Avere proverbial. When Grassini, who at first was unpopular in England, was in despair as to how she should make an impression, Mrs. Billington proposed to sing with her in Winter's opera of "Il Ratto di Proserpina," from which time dated the success of the Italian singer.

He took little notice of them, however, and only playfully observed, "It is Ratto who should have thought of this, since nature has furnished black rats with two hundred and fifty distinct rings in their tails, while brown ones have only two hundred."

Early in spring, one sunny morn, I received a visit from my old comrade Whiskerandos. He was full of life and spirits. "Ratto," cried he, "I have often heard you say that you and I should visit foreign countries together; we've a capital opportunity now. A vessel is to weigh anchor to-morrow.

F. Perdomo Joaquin Ramirez Morales Amable Damiron Jaime Ratto Pedro N. Polanco, Notary Public Leonardo Delmonte I Aponte, Notary Public Mariano Montolio, Notary Public." The vault so opened was a little larger than that opened in 1795, and separated therefrom by a six-inch wall.

My companion's eye, trained to the observation of the woodlands in every aspect, noted the stories told by the bushes, the gravel, and the sand with a rapidity that was amazing. Twenty-five years of tireless hunting have given Pepe Ratto an instinct that seems to supplement the ordinary human gifts of sight and hearing.

The man whose name will be handed down to future generations in the annals of Morocco's sport would attract attention anywhere. Tall, straight, sunburnt, grizzled, with keen grey eyes and an alert expression, suggesting the easy and instantaneous change from thought to action, Pepe Ratto is in every inch of him a sportsman.

I felt uncommonly uncomfortable, and much inclined to turn round and scamper for my life; but Whiskerandos soon ended the difficulty. "Let me introduce to you my friend Ratto," said he, "my very particular friend, who goes where I go, shares what I find, and whose safety I value as my own."

Of all the families of the Mammalia, that of Rats and Mice is the most numerous. There are two kinds of rats, the black and the brown. I do not know to which kind Willie's "Ratto" belongs, but I have heard many stories of his clever tricksy ways, and of how well he knew his name, and obeyed his master.

Why, Ratto, its delicious scent reaches us even here!" I was so busy with my tusk and my reflections, that I scarcely looked up; but Oddity turned his eyes eagerly towards the spot. "Now, I propose that we have a race to the place!" cried Brisk; "and he who gets first shall have his pick of the feast! Leave Ratto to his old bone! Here are seven of us: now for it; once, twice, thrice, and away!"