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I know you, Whiskerandos, I know you," continued Oddity, the hairs bristling up on his back, as my companion, either in jest or earnest, took the corner of the handkerchief between his sharp teeth: "you are reckoned a hero amongst rats, but I too can fight in defence of what is confided to my charge; you have killed a ferret, and you may kill me, but while I have a tooth in my jaw, or a drop of blood in my body, you shall not touch a crumb belonging to my master!"

If they should prove English cruisers, we were fairly caught in a net, and Don Whiskerandos would have very little chance of seeing his wife and family for a long time to come. Still our captain was a resolute man, and one who would never give in while a prospect of escape remained.

It was my intention, as well as that of Whiskerandos, after hearing of the cheerfulness of a Russian winter, and the comfort preserved in the houses, to remain to witness the ice-mountains, the frozen Neva, and, above all, the wonderful market which Wisky had described to us on that night.

"No, no, my blunderbuss is loaded, and the villains cannot escape. You are nervous go back, Eliza." "Dearest I'll never leave you to meet the danger alone!" The handle creaked as it was slowly turned round, and Whiskerandos exclaiming, "We'd better be off!" followed the example of the Brownies.

Now commenced a conflict in my mind, caution pulling me one way, curiosity the other, while a discussion took place between my comrades, Wisky backing caution, Whiskerandos curiosity, and the English rat won the day. So that night off we two scampered together, and without accident or adventure reached the space at the back of the Exchange. Truly I was in a world of wonders!

I have some remembrance of the young man's exclamation of amazement as the dead rat found his feet and disappeared, his shout, and the yells of the disappointed dogs, but I recollect no more, for I heard no more. Whiskerandos and I had a fair start, and we made the best of it, and scampered off as rats scamper for their lives.

"You'll pay for your dainty feast if you go one foot farther!" I exclaimed; feeling, I confess it, very angry. "Who's afraid!" cried the boaster, flinging up his hind legs with a saucy flourish as he scampered on. Clap! he was caught in the trap! Poor rat! had he possessed the courage and skill of Whiskerandos himself, they would have availed him nothing.

"That fortified island opposite to Cronstadt, lying across the bay upon which the place stands, and giving to its waters the appearance of a lake, was called Ratusare, or Rat's Island in the days of old." "Not the only Rat's Island in the world," observed Whiskerandos; "we have one off the coast of Devon."

When I have seen the younger members of that race which proudly styles itself "lords of creation," trembling, shrinking, nay I shame to say it even crying, at fear of some possible evil, a little disappointment perhaps, or a little pain, I have thought of Whiskerandos and the pies, and fancied that reasoning mortals might learn something even from a rat.

The brown rats looked at the warrior with keen, wondering gaze, while Whiskerandos calmly continued, "I lost my ears in single combat with a ferret; he who exacted the toll lost his life in exchange, and I feel somehow persuaded that you will rather politely guide me into your house and share with me whatever I get there, than try the experiment whether a rat can fight as well without ears as he once did with them."