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We might have leapt for joy also, for from the broken crockery what a feast of delicious dried fruits rolled forth! With what glee we set to our supper, while Whiskerandos sprang from his shelf, too eager to partake of the tempting repast to take the slower method of climbing.

He made his round of the party, every one had something to give him; and I heard the merry voice of Billy as he patted his favourite's snub nose, "He's a pretty little fellow! now, an't he? I wonder what's become of the old blind rat that he used to lead about in the shed?" "Whiskerandos," said I, pensively, to my companion, "I could almost wish myself in Oddity's place!"

So the human savage came to their aid. Having taken up a stick which happened to be lying on the ground near, while the dogs retired a step to allow their master to give his ungenerous assistance, he pushed the stick behind the trough, and by its means dragged poor Whiskerandos from his last place of refuge! "Ha! the fellow's dead!

I've no fancy to be baked in a pie, or starved on a barrel, crushed by a drosky, or worried by a dog, drowned in a sack, or suspended by my tail! No, no, valiant Whiskerandos, I'm quite content to admire your courage at a distance, but I don't want to share your exploits, and would rather have my ears than your fame!" And off skipped the merry little rat, before we could say a word to stay him.

I will tell the story of Oddity as nearly as I can in his own words, I only wish that I could describe the expression of his bluff, honest face, at various parts of his narration. "I was caught one evening in a hay-rick. A swift-footed creature like you, Whiskerandos, might perhaps have escaped, but I was never remarkable for agility or speed.

In his own quiet, homely way, he told me his simple tale, keeping, however, all the time, a watchful eye upon the bundle beside him, while Whiskerandos acted the part of a sentinel to give me timely warning if any human being should approach so near as to endanger our safety.

I saw in an instant that for Whiskerandos escape was impossible. He had the whole length of the yard to cross; his foes were far nearer to him than me. His only chance was that of not being perceived; but this in broad daylight, with the noses of three or four dogs not two yards from him, was a miserable chance indeed. The dogs instantly found him out, and were at him in a moment.

Let us, therefore, like wise rats, in the meantime, be content with our condition, and enjoy at our ease the provisions with which the ship is stored." "Granted, Mr President, that your remarks are correct," exclaimed Whiskerandos, who had before spoken, "I have still an idea which has long been hatching in my brain.

"What!" cried Whiskerandos, "are their carriages so small that they will not hold two, or are the grandees afraid of quarrelling, that husband and wife cannot travel together!" "Surely, Sir Wisky," exclaimed I, "you must have come to the end of your list!" "Pardon me, little brother, not yet.

If we had any means of landing here, I should not care if I stopped short of St. Petersburg." I had not forgotten the pies. "You would doubtless, little brother, from natural association, like to visit Rat Island," said the stranger with the unpronounceable name. "Rat Island!" exclaimed Whiskerandos and I at the same moment.