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Suddenly Marcia's eyes, almost with the perpendicular slits of her kitten's in them, seemed to swish together like portières, shutting Hattie behind them with her. "Oh my Marcy!" said Hattie, dimly, after a while, as if from their depths. "Marcy, dearest!" "At at Harperly's, momie, almost all the popular upper-class girls wear a a boy's fraternity pin." "Fraternity pin?"

The stockings, too, should be wholly laid aside at night, unless in the case of those who are feeble, apt to have their feet cold, or particularly liable to bowel complaints. Such may be allowed to sleep in their stockings, but not in those which have been worn all the day. Indeed, neither children nor adults should ever wear a single garment in the night which they have worn during the day.

Now let Alec once feel that a man was wiser and better than himself, and he was straightway incapable of envying him any additional superiority possible would, in a word, be perfectly willing that he should both wear a better coat and be a better scholar than himself.

It was the first sentence she had spoken since he overtook her. "I'm so glad, dear," she added diplomatically, "that you decided to stay. I want to see that funny landlady now, please, and get her to serve coffee and cake to our guests in the parlor. I wish I might have had one of my trunks brought over here; I should like to wear a pretty gown."

They did not dare make much noise, but they made clear that that was what they wanted. Hal sat down, and began to unroll the bandage from his wrist. "I guess I'm through with this," he said, and explained how he had come to wear it. "What?" cried Old Mike. "You fool me like that?"

It was on the afternoon of the 10th of October, when the woods wear their brightest foliage, that the allied Indians commenced the attack with all that impetuosity and imprudence peculiar to savages on such occasions.

My mother is fond of things like that, and I can give it to her." "Well, the lady could hardly object to that, but I would wear it for a time. She might see you shortly, and she would miss it." "Very good," said Jack carelessly. "I will do it."

It was good old Mrs. Mason, who was pleased with the drive and the sunshine, though she scarcely understood the meaning of the turmoil, with her maid by her side, delighted to wear such ribbons, and sit in such a post of honour.

It's all in the game, you know. Why not be happy along with the rest of us, why be a prude?" I shivered. Couldn't he know why I was unhappy! How false and fickle he was! I wouldn't wear my heart on my sleeve for him to read and laugh about. All my Metz determination rose in me. "Why," I lied, "I'm not unhappy. I'm just tired. Late hours don't agree with me."

Claudine was fully clothed as far up as her Neck and didn't have the Nerve to hoist the Lorgnette. Elam went out and had himself draped by a swagger Tailor who was said to do a lot of Work for the Vanderbilt Boys. In his Afternoon Wear he resembled the Manager of a Black-Goods Department.