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It must ha' been very hard for her to die like this, axin your parden, for she wasn' one to bear pain." Another long pause. "No, she cudn' bear pain. P'raps he might ha' stood it better though o' course you acted for the best, an' thankin' you kindly. I'd as lief take her home now, naybours, if 'tis all the same."

"Why but that isn't good news, then." Narcisse gave his head a bright, argumentative twitch. "Yesseh. 'Tis t'ue he 'efuse'; but ad the same time I dunno I thing he wasn' so mad about it as he make out. An' you know thass one thing, Mistoo Itchlin, whilce they got life they got hope; and hence I ente'tain the same."

Lev' us quit talkin' of George Vyell. We knawed George Vyell, you and me too; and here we be, left to rear children by en. But the man we hated over wasn' George Vyell." "Yet if as you say you loved him the other one why, when you saw his life ruined and guessed the lie that ruined it when a word could have righted him if you loved him " "Why didn't I speak?

"You don't like 'em?" Sam was evidently dashed. "If on'y I 'ad Bill 'ere " "Ha, yes: 'im! 'E'd put a boiler inside 'em, no doubt; an' a donkey-engin', an' " "What'yer talkin' about? . . . Oh, yer verses! Bless the man, I wasn' thinkin' of yer verses. I was wantin' Bill 'ere, to advise somethin' practical. Lor' sake! Look at Arthur Miles there, the way 'e's leanin' overboard!

"'Well, says I, 'this ain't the Land's End, though I dessay it feels a bit like it. Then you wasn' thrown out? I says. "'Th-thrown out? says he. 'N-no. They told us Penzance was the next stop. "'Then, says I, 'if you got out accidental you've had a most providential escape, an' me an' my mates don't deserve less than to hear about it.

"So the poor woman sat a while longer, an' then she calls: "'Selina Mary, run down agen, an' as he comes out, tell 'en to hurry. They must be finished by now. "The maid was gone twenty minutes this time. The evenin' was hot an' the window open; an' now all the town that wasn' listenin' to the trial was gathered in front, gazin' cur'ously at the woman inside.

" Or," the constable continued, lifting a hand, "is it to say to you, 'It is sot in the north-west, as the case may be? Or is it I was wastin' the day in idleness, same as some persons I could mention in the Force if there wasn' such a thing as discipline? Not so. I was lookin' up in the execution of my duty. An' what do you suppose I was lookin' for?"

And as if that wasn' enough, you work loose on the jawin' tacks till steerage way there's none. I put it to you." "I'm sorry, 'Bias," Cai assured him contritely as they moved on. "Maybe I'm upset by the pleasure o' seein' ye here. Many a time I've picter'd it, an' I don't know if you've noticed, but these little things never do fall out just like a man expects."

'I'm a narch little gipsy, she said, 'an' I never gets tipsy' " "Why should she?" "'But I laugh an' play, she said, 'the whole o' the day, such a nartless life is mine, ha, ha! which wasn' none of it true, except about the drink, but you could see she only done it to make 'erself pleasant.

Six thousand not a fraction under. We're things o' the past, you an' me, an' 'twas high time we hauled out o' the competition." "China clay?" "All of it." "I don't know much about china clay," said 'Bias reflectively. "But I never met twenty thousand tons of anything where it wasn' time for somebody to protect the public."