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"Ye did richt tae resist him; it 'ill maybe roose the Glen tae mak' a stand; he fair hands them in bondage. "Thirty shillin's for twal' vessits, and him no mair than seeven mile awa', an' a' 'm telt there werena mair than four at nicht. "Ye 'ill hae the sympathy o' the Glen, for a'body kens yir as free wi' yir siller as yir tracts. "Wes 't 'Beware o' Gude Warks' ye offered him?

"Ye did richt tae resist him; it 'ill maybe roose the Glen tae mak a stand; he fair hands them in bondage. "Thirty shillings for twal veesits, and him no mair than seeven mile awa, an' a'm telt there werena mair than four at nicht. "Ye 'ill hae the sympathy o' the Glen, for a' body kens yir as free wi' yir siller as yir tracts. "Wes't 'Beware o' gude warks' ye offered him?

Hindley would be up; and he'd rather avoid having the door opened by the master. 'Nay, nay, he's noan at Gimmerton, said Joseph. 'I's niver wonder but he's at t' bothom of a bog-hoile. This visitation worn't for nowt, and I wod hev' ye to look out, Miss yah muh be t' next. Thank Hivin for all! All warks togither for gooid to them as is chozzen, and piked out fro' th' rubbidge!

At this moment a knock came to the front door, which caused Selina to drop her work with a sudden start, and rise to her feet. 'Not you, Selina, said Madame, in a quiet voice; 'let Archie go; it may be some tramp. ''Deed no, mem, replied Archie, obstinately, as he arose from his seat; ''tis verra likely a man fra the warks saying he wants to go.

I maun dee the warks o' him 'at sent me he's aye savin' at men." The Bible was back in its place, and Gibbie out of the door the same moment. He had not an idea what he was going to do. All he yet understood was, that he must go down the hill, to be where things might have to be done and that before the darkness fell. He must go where there were people.

"The Kite was in the Baltic while the auld man was warkin' his warks, but I know the assessors valued the Grotkau, all told, at over three hunder and sixty thousand her manifest was a treat o' richness an' McRimmon got a third for salvin' an abandoned ship.

"I gie back more than I hae taken, an' I rest on Christ's smercy;" an' then shall ye be safe an' happy if ye fail na' to be constant in gude warks. "Then, sirs, the vision faded, an' I woke calmer an' happier than for many a lang day; an' a few days after, they aye sent me hame, but the folk say I've a bit bee in my bannet yet. But sin' that time, I hae hunted a' I can.

"Gang into an Exhibition," says the Ettrick Shepherd, "and only look at a crowd o' cockneys, some with specs, and some wi' quizzing-glasses, and faces without ae grain o' meaning in them o' ony kind whatsomever, a' glowering, perhaps, at a picture o' ane o' Nature's maist fearfu' or magnificent warks!

"I'm strong for seeing Paris." He turned back to Eleanor; and her double embarrassment drove her on. "Such a good time as I had with the Warks their studio in Munich, where I met all the German long-haired artists a run to Paris in the season the dearest little village on the Coast of Brittany last summer and three weeks in incomparable London at the end.

I hae dune a gude deed by pure Tammy Pennyquick, and here's a' Pairth ringing wi the report o' it; and Sawmuel Bishopriggs sae weel known that ony stranger has only to ask, and find him. Understand, I beseech ye, that it's no hand o' mine that pets this new feather in my cap. As a gude Calvinist, my saul's clear o' the smallest figment o' belief in Warks.