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Some of dem didn't know when deh were free till long time after de Wah. "When I were free, one mornin I seed the mistress and she ask me would I stay with her a couple years. I say, 'No I gonna find mah people an go dere. "Anyway, she had a young mister, a son, an he was mean to de slaves. I nebber lak him. "Once I was sent to mah missys' brother for a time but I wouldn' stay dere: he too rough.

She is still the same stately, beautiful creature whom I would have described in detail long ago if I had been given half a chance. At the foot of the stairs the child stops and points at a small, round object in a glass case. 'Wah? he says. 'That? said Isabel. 'That is the ball Mr Meredith used to play with when he was a little boy.

"Well, by George!" murmured the man, weakly, a dawning amazement driving the frown from his face. "Spgggh oo wah!" gurgled the boy, holding out two tiny fists. A slow smile came to the man's face. "Well, I'll be darned," he muttered half-shamefacedly, wholly delightedly. "If the rascal doesn't act as if he knew me!" "Ah goo spggghh!" grinned the infant, toothlessly, but entrancingly.

But they jerked him upright in a torrent of eager questioning. "You old rascal." "How did you ever get here?" "I thought you were back in China by this time." But Wah Lee's smile was more expansive than his vocabulary was extensive. "Him tell," he said, pointing to Mr. Melton. "I thought it would be a surprise party," that worthy chuckled as he refilled his pipe.

Once there and her tears flowed freely; she hid her face in her mother's dress, and sobbed as if her heart would break. "Don't cry, Baby! don't cry, Lammie, dis ain't da las' time da wah goin' to be a drill. Bud'll have a chance anotha time and den he'll show 'em somethin'; bless you, I spec' he'll be a captain." But this consolation of philosophy was nothing to "Little Sister."

Kurban Sahib gave him big abuse for his desertion; but the Pathan put up his hands as excusing himself, and Kurban Sahib relented and added him to our service. But the man said truly, "We be far from our homes and both servants of the Raj. Make truce till we see the Indus again." I have eaten from the same dish as Sikander Khan beef, too, for aught I know! Wah!

The story of Tukang Burok's love, related in the old man's own words, conveys the very breath of Malay thought and speech. In "His Little Bill," the coolie, Lim Teng Wah, facing his debtor, stands very distinct before us, an insignificant and tragic victim of fate with whom he had quarrelled to the death over a matter of seven dollars and sixty-eight cents.

Booze, you understand, and not because I lost that hot-air shooting, lush-working, expense-account-grubbing wah of a Wilbur. I should say not. Don't think that I wear pink tights and can't get the best man that ever breathed. "I am not a bit like that Glonesganes creature. Why, she actually throws herself at the head of every man she meets.

Drink, then, Sahib, if you know how to handle the tube. The Sahib takes it like a Musalman. Wah! Wah! Where did he learn that? His own wedding! Ho! Ho! Ho! The Sahib says that there is no wedding in the matter at all? Now is it likely that the Sahib would speak true talk to me who am only a black man? Small wonder, then, that he is in haste.

It came on me soon aftah I come out of the wah, an' it growed on me like jim'son weeds in a hog-pen. My appetite's quit on me two pints of whiskey an' wild-cherry bark a day, suh, don't seem to help it at all, suh. I cyant tell whut the devil's the matter with my stomach. Nothin' I eat or drink seems to agree with me but whiskey.