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Landis turned to Amanda "Now you stay a while and hear our new pieces on the Victrola." "I'll help you with the dishes," she offered. "Ach, no, it ain't necessary. Mary and I will get them done up in no time. You just go in the room and enjoy yourself." With little Katie leading the way and Martin following Amanda went to the sitting-room and sat down while Martin opened the Victrola.

In the meantime I had furnished Battery D the use of the Victrola and the day I made the promise, I found the boys without chow for twelve hours. When about to serve it, the town was gassed and their food with it and no one was permitted to touch a thing, they were blessing the Kaiser as only soldiers can under such circumstances.

Thompson contracting a glassy look in her pale-blue eyes beneath their fine-plucked brows. And at ten o'clock she stifled a yawn behind her handkerchief, threw down her cards, got up and went over to the corner where stood an expensive "Victrola." "Let's have a little jazz," she said brightly. The men were busy discussing the income tax and the ways of avoiding it and did not seem to mind at all.

Then Linda led the way past thorns and brush, past impenetrable beds of cholla, until they reached a huge barrel cactus that she had located with the glasses. Beside this bristling monstrous growth Linda paused, and reached for the axe, which Donald handed to her. She drew it lightly across the armor protecting the plant. "Short of Victrola needles?" she inquired.

They had come to care more for the things he held high ... books ... theaters ... dinners at the Crafts Alexandria ... Grand Opera records on the victrola ... more careful dress. "Carter has really done a great deal for those children," Mildred Lorimer told her husband, complacently. "Yes," Stephen admitted. "It's true. He has. And" he sighed "they haven't done a thing for him."

Archie ordered in the victrola, and between courses the couples "trotted," then a new amusement that had just reached the Coast. When at last the company divided for coffee and smoking, Archie whispered to his wife snarlingly, "Can't you open your mouth?"

The Soudanese mounted the stairs before them and held open a door into a long drawing-room from which the pasha's modernity had stripped every charm except the color of some worn old rugs; the windows were draped in European style, the walls exhibited paper instead of paneling; in one corner was a Victrola and in another, beside a lounge chair, stood a table littered with cigarette trays and French novels with explicit titles.

"They bought themselves a car two years ago, and if it isn't a Victrola this week, it's a thermos bottle, or a pair of white buckskin shoes! Rose told me she paid eight dollars for her corsets. 'Eight dollars for what, I said, 'a dozen? But then I've the two houses in Brooklyn, you know " "You still have those?" "I have, indeed.

He drew Joy across the floor with him, in her green-and-silver draperies, and began to wind the victrola, which had been tucked into a nook where Mrs. Hewitt had vainly hoped it would be quite hidden. There was to be an orchestra afterwards for the authorized dancing. Clarence put on "Poor Butterfly," and encircling Joy proceeded to dance away with her.

"But the music's lovely," gasped little Miss Plummer, as if the fact made his claim ridiculous. "I've been humming it ever since." "I can't help that. I still stick to it that I wrote it." "You aren't George Bevan!" "I am!" "But " Miss Plummer's voice almost failed here "But I've been dancing to your music for years! I've got about fifty of your records on the Victrola at home." George blushed.