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"If you were to put some water into a vial and tie it to the tail of a kite, and send it up into the air high enough, the water would freeze, and when it came down you would find the water turned into ice." "Should I?" asked Rollo. "Would it if I were to send the kite up in America?" "Yes," said Mr. George, "any where, all over the earth." "I mean to try it," said Rollo.

While the two crews were yet circling in the waters, reaching out after the revolving line-tubs, oars, and other floating furniture, while aslope little Flask bobbed up and down like an empty vial, twitching his legs upwards to escape the dreaded jaws of sharks; and Stubb was lustily singing out for some one to ladle him up; and while the old man's line now parting admitted of his pulling into the creamy pool to rescue whom he could; in that wild simultaneousness of a thousand concreted perils, Ahab's yet unstricken boat seemed drawn up towards Heaven by invisible wires, as, arrow-like, shooting perpendicularly from the sea, the White Whale dashed his broad forehead against its bottom, and sent it turning over and over, into the air; till it fell again gunwale downwards and Ahab and his men struggled out from under it, like seals from a sea-side cave.

I have that vial, you know." "Did you notice the inscription on the vial?" "No; is there one?" "See for yourself," he answered, refilling his glass. She rose from the table and brought from a small cabinet the morocco case, unopened since Arthur had given it to her. A certain dread and distaste had prevented her examining it.

"I fear you were right," Graham replied sadly; and he told them of the scene he had witnessed, and produced the vial of laudanum. The physician was much shocked, but Mrs. Mayburn had already guessed the truth from her nephew's words and manner when she first discovered him. "Neither Grace nor her father must ever know of this," she said, with a shudder. "Certainly not; but Dr. Markham should know.

You cleanse away carefully the sordes and caput mortuum, letting all that is volatile evaporate. You preserve only the first running, which is again to be distilled seventeen times, till what remains will amount to about two drams. This you keep in a glass vial hermetically sealed for one-and-twenty days.

I have already intimated that the older physician's perceptions and intuitions were so quick as sometimes to appear almost uncanny; and after asking a question or two, he began to pour upon a square of white paper, from a small vial which he took from one of his vest pockets, a very heavy white powder; and we soon perceived that the powder was to be poured from the paper to the invalid's tongue.

Lakla turned; the clear, golden eyes were sorrowful, the sweet mouth drooping; but her loveliness, her gentleness, that undefinable synthesis of all her tender self that seemed always to circle her with an atmosphere of lucid normality, lulled my panic. "Drink this," she commanded, holding a small vial to my lips.

He was a kindly man, and he stopped in the doorway and looked at the old man, sitting with the sick child in his lap. Then he pulled a chair up beside the old man and took the child's thin wrist in his hand. He shook his head and said: "No use, Bishop better lay her on the bed she can't live two hours." Then he busied himself giving her some drops from a vial.

These creatures" he waved his arm back towards the city "nothing but insects infinitesimal smaller than the smallest thing we ever dreamed of. And we take them seriously. Don't you understand? Seriously! God, man, that's funny, not tragic." He fumbled at the neck of his robe, and tearing it away, brought out a vial of the drugs. "Here," he exclaimed, and offered one of the pellets.

With the entire force of his will he was able to get to a chair, into which he sank. The odor of the vial was still in his nostrils. His eyes were fixed and stared straight ahead, but he could see, in a faint, unnatural yellow light that bathed the room. From the vial, lying at the mummy's feet a vapor appeared to rise.