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Updated: August 11, 2024

His merchant-master accepted the first offer that was made for him, and thus a Dusarian noble entered the household of Carthoris. The day following the coming of Vas Kor to the palace of the Prince of Helium great excitement reigned throughout the twin cities, reaching its climax in the palace of Carthoris.

If you succeed in that little transaction, I will tell you that I love you, my fat Frederic, in such plain terms that you cannot but believe me." "You are an enchantress," said the Baron, kissing Esther's glove. "I should be villing to listen to abuse for ein hour if alvays der vas a kiss at de ent of it."

I vonder vas all good out at de 'Little Yankee'? Sapristi! he vas such a funny man to talk he sputter like de champagne ven it uncorked. I laugh at him, but I like him just de same, for he act to me like I vas de lady, de ver' fine lady. I never forget dat. You know him, señorita? So big like a great bear, vis de beautiful red hair like de color of dis dress. No?

"Dat's all righd!" repeated the Professor, "now you think you're so smart I'm going to prove you a liar! I heard you the other day tell dis young man here dat dere vas no golt in dis district. Vell! All righd! We vill see now joost look! Vat you call dat now, my goot young friend?" He dumped out the contents of his canvas ore-sack and nodded to Denver triumphantly. "I suppose dat aindt golt, eh!

So den I get fifty dollars more for repairin' my own furniture. Ain't dot funny? And ven I send it home dey say: 'Oh, ain't dot beautiful! You ought to have seen dot ven I bought it of old Kling! You vouldn't give two dollars for it. All he did vas to scrape it down and revarnish it and now it is joost as good as new. Ain't dot funny?

'You gif me a yob, he kept saying, until I explained I wasn't in the business, had nothing to do with the Pullman works. Then he sat down and looked at the floor. 'I vas fooled. Well, it seems he did inlaying work, fine cabinet work, and got good pay. He built a house for himself out in some place, and he was fired among the first last winter, I guess because he didn't live in Pullman."

Topman, "that you possess the secret of where Kidd's treasure is buried " "Vel, vel, vel!" exclaimed Hanz, raising his hands in astonishment; "if dat ish'nt so pig a lie as ever vas told. No, mine friend, I knows nothin' apout dis Mr. Kidd, nor his money. Dis one big lie de peoples pout here gits up, as has nothin' petter to do."

I then arrested her, took her to the detention house, and locked her up." The saloonkeeper was called to the witness stand, and said: "I know dis voman's vas making disturbance by my saloon. She comes and she makes troubles, und she fights mit me, und I put her de door oud. I know her all along. She vas pad vomans."

We need not say that Junkie declined obedience, neither would he listen to the silvery blandishments of Gertie. "Zee chile vas born shrieking, ant he vill die shrieking," growled Scholtz, who disliked Junkie.

"Well, they are not safe!" replied the hermit. "I had an adventure with one on this very road only two years ago." "Indeed! vat vas it?" asked the professor, whose appetite for anecdote was insatiable. "Do tell us about it." "With pleasure. It was on a pitch-dark night that it occurred. I had occasion to go to a neighbouring village at a considerable distance, and borrowed a horse from a friend "

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