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Updated: August 16, 2024

If a man is to shorten sail and haul his wind, at every dead whale he falls in with, in these seas, his owners will have the balance on the wrong side of the book at the end of the v'y'ge!" This told hard against Mark, and considerably in Hillson's favour.

Then she was as clean as a new pin, and dressed up as though she was going out to tea. "Oh, you're Alfred, I s'pose?" she ses, looking at 'im. "Mr. Simms is my name," ses young Alf, starting and drawing hisself up. "I know you by your portrait," ses the 'ousekeeper. "Come in. 'Ave you 'ad a pleasant v'y'ge? Wipe your boots." Alfred wiped 'is boots afore he thought of wot he was doing.

He was in the second mate's watch, and by-and-by 'e leans over the wheel and says to 'im in a low voice, "This is my last v'y'ge, sir." "Oh," says the second mate, who was a man as didn't mind talking to a man before the mast. "How's that?" "I've got a berth ashore, sir," says Bill, "and I wanted to ask a favour, sir." The second mate growled and walked off a pace or two.

Is it you, Docks, that's askin' me that? Well, says he, 'Jagger an' me fixed that all up when I seed him there t' Wayfarer's Tickle. They's three ports above Harbour Deep, an' I'm goin' t' trade un all. 'Twill be a v'y'ge by that time. Then I'm goin' t' run the Sink or Swim back o' the islands in Seal Run. Which done, I'll wait for Tommy Mib t' make up his mind, one way or t' other.

"He's got a faithful 'eart," sighed Mrs. Silk. "It's in the family; 'e can't 'elp it." "But 'e might be lifted out of it," urged Mr. Wilks. "I 'ad several disappointments in my young days. One time I 'ad a fresh gal every v'y'ge a'most." Mrs.

The very thought goes through me like a dash of spray in a winter v'y'ge." He stamped with his foot and roared out, "Forrard there: Two glasses and a dipper from the rundlet," at the same time opening a locker and taking therefrom a squat bottle. "'T is enough to make a man bowse himself kissing black Betty to think of being under ground."

My left leg is broken, certainly; and one of my shoulders pains me a good deal, though it is neither out of joint or broken. This is a sad business for a sealing v'y'ge!" "Give yourself no concern about your craft, Daggett I will look to her, and to your voyage." "Will you stand by the schooner, Gar'ner? Promise me that, and my mind will be at peace." "I do promise.

"I sha'n't ever forget the time I was a boy in the old Mary Bedloe brig, out o' Boston, loaded with sundries for Jamaica, to bring back molasses and something a leetle mite stronger. That's 'bout as near as I ever got to having traffic with liquor and 'twas an unlucky v'y'ge all the way through. "Before we ever got the rum aboard," pursued Cap'n Amazon, "on our way down there, our water went bad.

"Sure an' if y're spilin' for a batin' I'm not the chap to privint you; but, if you must foight, why ye'll have to do it fair an' square. Misther Gray-ham, sorr, jist give me the burrd as made the rumpus, I've a little cage in me bunk that'll sarve the poor baste for shilter till ye can get a betther one. It belonged to me ould canary as toorned up its toes last v'y'ge av a fit av the maysles."

"The dirty tablecloth hung up to air, as my name is Charles Cap!" he muttered; "and we hugging this d d shore as if it were our wife and children met on the return from an India v'y'ge! Hark'e, Jasper, are you in search of a cargo of frogs, that you keep so near in to this New France?"

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