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"I was not aware of it. I suppose he's cramming speeches and turtle for the next season." "How wonderfully," said Vincent, "your city dignities unloose the tongue: directly a man has been a mayor, he thinks himself qualified for a Tully at least. Faith, Venables asked me one day, what was the Latin for spouting? and I told him, 'hippomanes, or a raging humour in mayors."

And, as I bowed in the affirmative, she rang a little bell twice, and the butler appeared. "Giacomo," she continued, "unloose Wyvis and send him here." Giacomo gave me another of those timid questioning glances, and departed to execute his order.

I went to him, and proceeded to unloose the bandages, which gave him considerable relief. I then replaced them, secundum artem, and with great tenderness, and going to the sideboard, took the lotion which was standing there with the other bottles, and wetted the bandages. In a few minutes he was quite relieved. "Perhaps, sir," said I, "you had better try to sleep a little.

A full hour must elapse before the evening meal, and Greifenstein did not know what to do with his unwelcome guest. At last the latter took out a black South American cigar and lit it. For a few moments he smoked thoughtfully, and then, as though the fragrant fumes had the power to unloose his tongue, he again began to talk. 'She died, he said. 'She ruined me. Yes, did you never hear how it was?

He said: "Here, quick. I'll unloose your hands and you can drop out the window." He did so, but just in time, as Henry returned, looking fierce and saying that I had but fifteen minutes more. I was again in my chair, and he did not percieve that my hands were now untied. I must stop here, as my hands tremble to much to hold my trusty pen. APRIL 28TH. Leila has just been in.

He won't think of blaming himself for them any way." "True," said the doctor, "perfectly true. My process is for those who cannot attain to my philosophy. I break for the weak the chain of memory which holds them to the past; but stronger souls are independent of me. They can unloose the iron links and free themselves.

After the captain left him, he struggled hard to unloose the cords which bound him. The love of life was strong within him, and the thought of dying under such circumstances was appalling. He struggled manfully, but, though he was strong for a boy, the cord was strong, also, and the captain knew how to tie a knot. Robert ceased at last, tired with his efforts.

"It was only the work of a few moments to free the horse in the road, and then the three proceeded to unloose the other, and draw him to a less steep part of the embankment, where, making a sudden effort, with a mighty plunge, he gained the road, and stood trembling and shaking beside his companion. "'Well done, our side, said Tim, exultingly. 'Now for the masther.

In their haste to leave, the crew had either forgotten to unloose them, or feared that by liberating them, they might meet in their rage a worse enemy than even the fire. In wild and unavailing efforts, they dashed furiously against the iron bars that inclosed them, and their fearful cries almost drowned the hissing and crackling sound of the flames.

I pressed it this whole night to my heart. They took it away to vex me, and now say I killed it, and I shall never be happy again. They sing songs upon me! It is wicked of the people. An old tale ends so who bids them apply it? Faust. A lover lies at thy feet, to unloose the bonds of wickedness.