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While he was yet very young his three-legged mother, who had seen him and his brothers and sisters eating grass quite comfortably, decided that they were big enough to look out for themselves. She refused to nurse them any more. Then she turned them all out of the burrow. When they came presently scurrying back again, hoping it was all an unhappy joke, she nipped them most unfeelingly.

All told, it took a full minute to place that simple affair where it was wanted; and all the while those two humans behaved as though some one were shouting directions to them silent directions, as it were. Billie knew that a half-dozen soldier bees, surrounding their two heads, were coolly and unfeelingly driving them where they willed.

Pete had that little, twisted grin on his face, and he was perfectly calm and self-possessed. "You sure got the punch that time, Burns," he remarked unfeelingly, while he held his palm over the lens and gave the crank another turn or two to divide that scene from the next. "She's fainted! She's hit him!" cried Burns, and waddled over to where the two of them lay.

Early in the morning he learned that Louise had disappeared. Much alarmed, he hastened to the apartments of Madame Henrietta in the Tuileries. She unfeelingly expressed entire ignorance of the movements of Mademoiselle de la Vallière. He immediately repaired to the rooms of his mother. She was unable to give him any information respecting the lost favorite.

But just then she caught a whisper from Pierre to Marc which so surprised her as to put the idea out of her head. "Perhaps a wolf has eaten her up a great big wolf like the 'Capuchon Rouge, you know." This was what Pierre said; and Marc answered unfeelingly: "If he has, I shall ask mother to let me have her room for my own."

Things move about here so mysteriously that for all I know we may find them in the next trench next time we go up. But there is a chance for Teddy. It's worth while bucking Letty all you can. And at the same time there's odds against him. There plainly and unfeelingly is how things stand in my mind. I think chiefly of Letty. I'm glad Cissie is with her, and I'm glad she's got the boy.

The worm in her swelling bud of happiness had already appeared. "I'm content," she sighed, "just as it is." "I'm not!" Milly retorted, rather unfeelingly. "It suits me to a T, if it could only last." For a time neither added anything to the subject. Milly, who was never hard for more than a few moments, went over to the lounge and caressed the Laundryman's face. "That was horrid of me," she said.

He had been vaguely intended, by an affectionate but haphazard family, for the diplomatic service, but it was found, after he had done himself some credit at Eton and Oxford, that the family resources didn't admit of this obviously suitable career for him; and an aged and wealthy uncle, who had been looked to confidently for succour, married at the moment, most unfeelingly, so that Gerald's career had to be definitely abandoned.

"I've heard your grandfather is sick," said Nan, remembering Tom's report of the health of the community when he had met her and her uncle at Hobart Forks. "Yes. He's got the tic-del-rew," declared Margaret, rather unfeelingly. "Aunt Matildy says he's allus creakin' round like a rusty gate-hinge." "Why! That doesn't sound very nice," objected Nan. "Don't you love your grandfather?"

My daughter was on the road to Italy with kind and true friends, who were not ashamed to feel for a headsman's child, and who took her in order to heal the wound that had been so unfeelingly inflicted." "This is true!" exclaimed the Baron de Willading; "Balthazar surely says naught but truth here!"