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"That, Miss Ross, is a very serious offense. A delay of fifty minutes to any train is bad enough, but when it happens to a through freight it is the worst possible. Then you say you were at the hotel for lunch. The order book shows that the despatcher called you from two A. M. until two-fifty A. M. Isn't that rather an unearthly hour to be going out to lunch?

"No, I shall have to go into the factory," repeated Charley sadly. "Dad says I've got to get to work the minute I've graduated, and earn the most money possible. And there's no other place where I can get as much as they pay at Miller's. Dad says I can get two-fifty a day at the start and maybe three dollars."

"We're all bachelors here." "Sell 'em to me, if you don't want 'em," spoke up Dick, quickly. "What'll you take for 'em? Make it low, to fit a schoolboy's shallow purse." "Hm! I'll speak to the proprietor about it," replied Pollock, who presently brought back the word: "As they're for you, Dick, the proprietor says you can take the pair for two-fifty.

It was not polite, but Frank Dunbar was so surprised by this announcement that he whistled. As for Philip, he regarded Nick calmly; but there didn't seem to be any sign of yielding in his look. "It belongs to Nicholas, because I have sold it to him," continued Squire Pope doggedly. "That's so!" corroborated Nick complacently. "The squire sold me the fiddle for two-fifty.

"Grand work!" he ejaculated. "Ach, yes! Undt there will be more grand work when two-fifty is joined by the others." "Sh!" warned Blake again. "You talk too much, Braun. The wise man keeps a still tongue." Ordinarily Whistler Morgan would have found nothing in this overheard conversation to fan suspicion into a blaze. He quite realized this fact.

"That's only two-fifty more," said the president thoughtfully, "if we call it quits." "But," said Trigg in alarm, "we must send it back." "Not much, sonny," said the president promptly. "We'll hang on to this until we hear where that thorny old chump of yours has fetched up and is actin' her conundrums, and mebbe we can swap even." "But how will we explain it to the boys?" queried Trigg.

Jake said, "Dollar-fifty." "Two," said Moe. "One seventy-five." "Two." "Go find it and put it back." "Gimme the buck-six," grunted Moe. "Pretty cheap for a good shoe, a wheel, and a sausage." "Bring it in alone next time, and I'll slip you two-fifty. That gang you use costs, too. Now scram, Jimmy James and I got business to talk over." "He taking over?" "Don't talk stupid. I need a spotter.

From the hour that I received that check for "two-fifty," cream cakes began to wear a juvenile air, and turnovers seemed unworthy of my position in life.

Stooping, he drew the wicker-covered demijohn from under the table, and filled a tumbler from it. "A little corn liquor, Mr. Garvey? Of course you are joking about what you spoke of? Opens quite a new market, doesn't it? Feuds. Prime, two-fifty to three. Feuds, slightly damaged two hundred, I believe you said, Mr. Garvey?" Goree laughed self-consciously.

"Is she discouraged, does she drag herself about the house and find fault with everything? Why do you not tell her to try Dr. Lanahan's Life Preservers?" Another would be jocular in tone, slapping you on the back, so to speak. "Don't be a chump!" it would exclaim. "Go and get the Goliath Bunion Cure." "Get a move on you!" would chime in another. "It's easy, if you wear the Eureka Two-fifty Shoe."