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Personally, I prefer the money' Rondel's egoism twinged like a hollow tooth 'and if you think you can escape me and do neither, look at this! and she drew a revolver from her pocket. 'They are all loaded, she added. 'Now, which is it to be? Rondel made a movement as if to snatch the weapon from her, but she sprang back and pointed it at his head. 'If you move, I fire.

Sharp pains racked his head; his right arm burned and twinged as though he had thrust it into pricking flames. Loud voices about, but invisible to him, were swearing and gibing. He was lying on his back, his head on a line with his body. A regular movement, broken by joltings that sent torturing darts through his whole frame, told him without much conjecture that he was in an ambulance.

Then, as one who has twinged from a pin-prick of distraction which she will not permit to waive her from a white-heat purpose, she exclaimed, in rapid, stabbing, desperate sentences: "That! That now! After what I said to you a week ago! That in the midst of your mowing! No, no, no!" She drove the receiver down on the hook and blazed out to Feller: "Now you will tear out the 'phone'"

He twinged for what had happened at the apartment.... Bedient was a man's man, strong as a platoon in a pinch that had been proved. He was plain as a sailor in ordinary talk, but Cairns knew now that he had only begun to challenge Bedient's finer possessions of mind.... Here in New York, a man over thirty years old, who could speak of the Woman-who-must-be-somewhere.

As to sleeping, for him it was impossible; whenever his ideas began to fall into that sort of confusion which precedes sleep, suddenly he felt as if his heart were struck or twinged, and he started with the recollection that some dreadful thing had happened, and wakened to the sense of guilt and all its horrors.

"If I was making a touchdown I'd have to do better than this. I'll just pretend that I am out for a touchdown." Clenching his teeth to keep back exclamations of pain, that, somehow or other, would force themselves out, as his ankle twinged him, Tom swept on. He fancied he was gaining a bit, for he could hear the labored breathing of the man ahead of him.

"No, Rollin; we have more important game to chase," said Victor, whose conscience, now that he was free from the exciting influences of the camp, had twinged him more than once for his delay even although it was partly justifiable while the image of poor Tony, with outstretched, appealing hands on a flying horse behind a savage, was ever before him. "Come on come on!"

His conscience twinged as he remembered that he was the one who had ordered her out of bed and back to work today. "I should be feeling terrible," she said, with an airy wave of her hand. "But I'm walking on top of the world. I'm so loaded with pain-killers and stimulants that I'm high as the moon. All the nerves to my feet feel turned off it's like walking on two balls of fluff.

Its nerves numbed, he had not as yet felt any pain from the injury. Now he regarded it in a kind of awakening stare of realization of a deformity to come. "Wool-gathering again!" he muttered to himself crossly. Then, seeing that she had turned white, he thrust the disgusting thing behind his back and twinged with the movement. The pain was arriving. "It must be bandaged!

In front went Elena and Zoya with Insarov; Anna Vassilyevna, with an expression of perfect happiness on her face, walked behind them, leaning on the arm of Uvar Ivanovitch. He waddled along panting, his new straw hat cut his forehead, and his feet twinged in his boots, but he was content; Shubin and Bersenyev brought up the rear.