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Updated: August 21, 2024

'If I wasn't real, Alice said half-laughing through her tears, it all seemed so ridiculous 'I shouldn't be able to cry. 'I hope you don't suppose those are real tears? Tweedledum interrupted in a tone of great contempt. 'I know they're talking nonsense, Alice thought to herself: 'and it's foolish to cry about it. So she brushed away her tears, and went on as cheerfully as she could.

You politicians despise the little distinctions "twixt tweedledum and tweedledee," I fancy. Of the poetic sort, Dacier's uncle certainly did. For himself he confessed to not having thought much on them. 'But how divine is utterance! she said. 'As we to the brutes, poets are to us. He listened somewhat with the head of the hanged.

In skillful hands there is no better leverage for pushing operations than drawing-room music. Every one knows Lady Tweedledum and her amateur concerts. The fuss she makes about them is prodigious. They are a cheap sort of entertainment, but they cost the thrifty patroness of art a vast deal of trouble.

'What shall I repeat to her? said Tweedledee, looking round at Tweedledum with great solemn eyes, and not noticing Alice's question. Tweedledee began instantly: 'The sun was shining Here Alice ventured to interrupt him. 'If it's VERY long, she said, as politely as she could, 'would you please tell me first which road

It is the last of these that all the scientific men of England have so long been fighting for. And a very good thing it is in its way, and I hope they may get as much as they want of it. But compared to the importance of science in education, education in science is a matter of very small national moment. The difference between the two is by no means a case of tweedledum and tweedledee.

After a while he heard the elevator again; the panel slid open and Raynor Three came into the room. It had to be Raynor Three; there was no one else he could have been. He was as like Raynor One as Tweedledum to Tweedledee: tall, stern, ascetic and grim. He wore the full uniform of a Mentorian on Lhari ships: the white smock of a medic, the metallic blue cloak, the low silvery sandals.

Some say that Signor Bononcini, Compared to Handel, is a ninny; Others aver that to him Handel Is scarcely fit to hold the candle. Strange that such difference should be 'Twixt tweedledum and tweedledee! When the withdrawal of both his rivals left Handel in sole possession of the field, he quarrelled with some of his principal performers, and thereupon ensued new scenes of discord.

Seven o'clock that evening found us huddled apprehensively together outside the kitchen garden, talking nervously about the Budget. All was very quiet. A fragrant blue smoke stole up gently from the 'smoker, which I held at arm's length. Berry and Daphne were arrayed in veils and gauntlets. They reminded me irresistibly of Tenniel's Tweedledum and Tweedledee.

"How's the hand getting on, old lad?" "Nicely, what's left of it. They let me out without a keeper now. Had a good leave? When d'you go back?" "To-morrow," replied the First Lieutenant with a sigh. "Buck up and get well again, Mouldy, and come back to us. We're all going North to-morrow night, Gerrard and Tweedledum, and Pills here ... and all the rest of 'em. You'd better join up with the party!"

'It would never do to say "How d'ye do?" NOW, she said to herself: 'we seem to have got beyond that, somehow! 'I hope you're not much tired? she said at last. 'Nohow. And thank you VERY much for asking, said Tweedledum. 'So much obliged! added Tweedledee. 'You like poetry? 'Ye-es, pretty well SOME poetry, Alice said doubtfully. 'Would you tell me which road leads out of the wood?

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