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Thus we find Cicero on a February morning writing to his brother before sunrise, and it is not unlikely that the soreness of the eyes of which he sometimes complains may have been the result of reading and writing before the light was good. In his country villas he could do as he liked, but at Rome he knew that he would have the "turba salutantium" upon him as soon as the sun had risen.

Quod tam grande Sophos clamat tibi turba togata; Non tu, Pomponi; caena diserta tua est. MART. Lib. vi. Ep. xlviii. Resounding plaudits though the crowd have rung Thy treat is eloquent, and not thy tongue. F. Lewis. THE world scarcely affords opportunities of making any observation more frequently, than on false claims to commendation.

Friends would be dropping in to congratulate the modern equivalent of the old "turba clientium." As his thoughts wandered, the drawing-room clock struck eleven. He rose, astonished and impatient. Where was Kitty? By midnight she had not arrived. Ashe heard the butler moving in the hall and summoned him. "There may have been some mishap to the coach, Wilson. Perhaps they have stayed at Richmond.

He is the Light of the world; He dwells in light inaccessible, light that no darkness can overtake. He alone can lighten our darkness." Upon the last clause of the beautiful verse: Et in solis tu mihi turba locis. In solitude which thou dost share, For crowds there is no room.

I suppose they are going to give him a Roman triumph this afternoon from Charing Cross to Downing Street. Sed quid Turba Remi?... ...... Idem populus... ... hac ipsa Sejanum diceret hora Augustum. To my old eyes all this is a sham a scene out of 'Tancred' and 'Lothair. Depend upon it, the article on the 'Constitution and the Crown' will be read. Foxholes, August 10th.

He had written in capital letters round the walls of his cell these two beautiful lines of an old Latin poet: Tu mihi curarum requies, tu nocte vel atra Lumen, et in solis tu mihi turba locis. Thou art my rest in grief and care, My light in blackest gloom; In solitude which thou dost share, For crowds there is no room.

but future too; the living were to suffer, and so were they who were yet unborn; they stript them, and consequently myself, even of hope, taking from them all they had laid up in store to live on for many years: "Quae nequeunt secum ferre aut abducere, perdunt; Et cremat insontes turba scelesta casas . . . Muris nulla fides, squalent populatibus agri."

All the inconveniences in the world are not considerable enough that a man should die to evade them; and, besides, there being so many, so sudden and unexpected changes in human things, it is hard rightly to judge when we are at the end of our hope: "Sperat et in saeva victus gladiator arena, Sit licet infesto pollice turba minax." Pentadius, De Spe, ap.

He who was so impatient of the "turba legentum prava" in the Bodleian library, could not have patiently consorted with the vulgar-minded and illiterate ecclesiastics, who peopled the colleges of that day.

Not being very familiar with alchemical literature, Mr Wraxall spends much space which he might have spared in setting out the names and beginnings of the various treatises: The book of the Phoenix, book of the Thirty Words, book of the Toad, book of Miriam, Turba philosophorum, and so forth; and then he announces with a good deal of circumstance his delight at finding, on a leaf originally left blank near the middle of the book, some writing of Count Magnus himself headed 'Liber nigrae peregrinationis'. It is true that only a few lines were written, but there was quite enough to show that the landlord had that morning been referring to a belief at least as old as the time of Count Magnus, and probably shared by him.