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No doubt about that.... Well, why don't you say somethin'? Ain't you glad to see me?" Azuba looked as if she did not know whether she was glad or not; in fact, as if she knew or realized any little of anything. "Labe!" she said again. "Laban Ginn! When WHERE did you come from?" "Oh, from all 'round. Trumet was my last port and I made that by way of Malagy and Philadelphy.

"Very well, indeed, Captain Daniels," was the prompt reply. "She's a character, isn't she?" giggled Annabel. "She was born here in Trumet, but went away to New Bedford when she was young and grew up there. Her maiden name was Hall, but while she was away she married a man named Ansel Coffin. They didn't live together very long and weren't happy, I guess.

"Yes, but what of it?" "What of it? What OF it? Did she ever use to want to go to such things? Down in Trumet did she ever want to go? I bet she didn't! But now she does. And she's goin' to join the thing join it, herself! I thought when Gertie come home she'd probably keep her ma from goin' off the course altogether. I thought, with her level head, she'd swing us back into the channel again.

I don't set up to be head of the Pilots' Association when it comes to steerin' a horse, but I cal'late I can handle any four-legged craft you're liable to charter in East Wellmouth." His offer was accepted and so far he had proved a competent and able helmsman. Now, Miss Howes having been started on her homeward way, the next port of call was to be the office of Mr. Solomon Cobb at Trumet.

He sprang to his feet. "That's all right, Serena," he cried. "If it was a mistake it's one that can be straightened out in two shakes of slack jib sheet. You stay here and rest easy. I'll be back in a few minutes." "Where are you going?" "I'm going to make arrangements for our trip to Trumet. 'Twon't take me long." "Daniel, stop! Sit down. I didn't say I was going. I said I should like to go."

And why had he coupled the Bartlett name with that of Gertie, who had been visiting her father's maiden sister at Trumet, the village next below East Harniss, as Denboro is the next above it? Issy's suspicions were aroused, and he wondered. Suddenly he heard voices in the shop above him. The window was open and he heard them plainly. "Well! WELL!" It was the blacksmith who uttered the exclamation.

This ain't the fo'castle. Where am I?" "You're ashore. You've been sick. Don't try to move." "Sick? Humph! Sick? 'Course I been sick. Don't I know it? The d n cowards run off and left me; blast their eyes! I'll fix 'em for it one of these days, you hear " "Sshh!" "Hush up yourself. Where am I?" "You're ashore. On Cape Cod. At Trumet." "Trumet! He was struggling to raise himself on his elbow.

The pair had been discussing the subject which all Trumet had discussed for three weeks, namely, the "calling" to the pastorate of the "Regular" church of the Rev. John Ellery, the young divinity student, who was to take the place of old Parson Langley, minister in the parish for over thirty years.

Grace, I ain't goin' to leave Trumet, not for the present, anyhow. I've got a way of earnin' my livin' right here. I'm goin' to keep house for the new minister." The girl turned, her hat in her hand. "Oh!" she cried in utter astonishment. Keziah nodded. "Yes," she affirmed. "That was what Elkanah's proposal amounted to. Ha! ha! Deary me!

You see, neither side would let the other have more'n half, or even quite half, because then whichever had it could control things. So the remainin' one hundred and fifty shares was sold around Wellmouth and Trumet. Doctor Powers has a few shares and Eben Taylor's got some, and so have lots of folks, scattered around here.