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Updated: August 9, 2024

I said to you "Monsieur, if I believed that any modest young woman of my acquaintance was in danger of being courted by a man of doubtful character, do you know what I would do? I would hunt that man down with as little remorse as a ferret hunts down a rat in a drain." M. LENOIR: The sentiment does you honor, Monsieur; but I do not see the application, MULLER: Vous ne le trouvez pas, Monsieur?

"Permettez," said Monsieur, looking at the card. "Ah, c'est impossible, ma chere," continued he, laughing. "Madame Turnbull se trompait; elle voudrait dire Beignets de pommes." "Vous trouvez notre langue fort difficile, n'est-ce pas?" continued madame, who recovered her good humour, and smiled graciously at Mrs T.

The only civilized person was a large black baker's dog, who, like Gil Blas's first travelling acquaintance, seemed free of the house, and did the honours of the supper to us with an assiduity as disinterested, "Ah, messieurs," said his civil master, when we stept across the street in the morning, to return the dog's visit in form, "je suis charmé que vous trouvez l'Abri si beau; je suis au desespoir qu'il ne soit pas chez lui a present, mais je vais le chercher partout afin qu'il vous fasse ses hommages."

La douceur et le support [wrote Frederick] que vous marquez pour tous ceux qui se vouent aux arts et aux sciences, me font espérer que vous ne m'exclurez pas du nombre de ceux que vous trouvez dignes de vos instructions. Je nomme ainsi votre commerce de lettres, qui ne peut être que profitable

A grotesque touch, that vous ne trouvez pas? tres fort!" the official was remarking when Rufin took him by the arm. "That girl," he said. "You see her? against the wall there. I cannot talk with her in this crowd, and I must talk to her at once. Where is there some quiet Place?" "Eh?" The little babbling official had a moment of doubt.

Fanny and Harriet danced with two gentlemen who were of our party, and they all danced on till dewfall, when the lamps little glasses full of oil and a wick suspended to the branches of the trees were lighted, and we returned to La Celle, where we ate ice and sat in a circle, playing trouvez mon ami mighty like "why, when, and where" and then played loto till twelve.

Besides, what she said about the young doctor was true enough. Graham was handsome; he had fine eyes and a thrilling: glance. An observation to that effect actually formed itself into sound on my lips. "Elle ne dit que la verite," I said. "Ah! vous trouvez?" "Mais, sans doute." The lesson to which we had that day to submit was such as to make us very glad when it terminated.

Madame Pasta's daughter once said to Charles Young, who enthusiastically admired her great genius, "Vous trouvez qu'elle chante et joue bien, n'est-ce pas?" "Je crois bien," replied he, puzzled to understand her drift.

Just recall Kharkov, a room in Koniakine's hotel, the theatrical manager, Solovieitschik, and a certain lyrical tenor ... At that time you were not yet baroness de ..." "Mais, dites-moi, au nom de dieu, comment vous trouvez vous ici, Mademoiselle Marguerite." "But tell me, in God's name, how you have come to be here, Mademoiselle Marguerite?" "Oh, they ask us about that every day.

His wit flies out on clear-cut, swallow-like wings as when he said, in speaking of Paul Alexis' book "Le Besoin d'aimer," "Vous avez trouvez un titre assez laid pour faire reculer les divines étoiles." I know not what instrument to compare with his verse. I suppose I should say a flute; but it seems to me more like a marvellously toned piano.

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