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Updated: August 21, 2024

She can but exist, and dream that she is still admired. La Marquise has been dead for the last twenty years, but she won't own it. Ah, sir, c'est un triste supplice to have been! I wonder how those poor ghosts can bear that earthly purgatory which they call old age? Look at Madame de Sable, par exemple, once a beauty, now only a tradition. And Queen Anne!

His pretty, somewhat sentimental painting, Ma soeur n'y est pas, hung, reproduced in engraving, in every shop-window, even in Copenhagen. He was painting just then at his clever picture, Triste Rivage. Hammon was born in Brittany, of humble, orthodox parents, who sent him to a monastery. The Prior, when he surprised him drawing men and women out of his head, told him that painting was a sin.

There was in that evening light, somehow, just a touch of pensiveness the triste delicacy of heliotrope, harbinger of the Indian summer soon to come, when the air would make all sensitive souls turn to the past and forget that to-morrow was all in all. Sensitive souls, however, are not so many as to crowd each other unduly in this world, and they were not more numerous in Askatoon than elsewhere.

Te acuerdas de aquella noche En que triste y abatida Una lagrima querida Vi de tus ojos brotar. Although Russell was at the base of the high wall he saw that a light flashed. The light was followed by the clapping of little hands. "Jove!" he thought, "am I really jealous? But damn that Californian!" Altimira sang two more songs and was rewarded by the same demonstrations.

The rustling of clothes indicated a struggle of some violence; and several ejaculations escaped at intervals: "Mon dieu! dis is de triste vork; how trong de leetle she velp is! now, now not yet how trange! diable! she still breats!" "Hast thou finished, Louise?" asked the lady, impatiently.

Bunker and I have been for a walk there. Bunker found it." As the three of them stood there, motionless, in the middle of the dark room, Olva caught, through the open door, the last sad fading breath of the "Valse Triste." That night the cold fell, like a plague, upon the town.

They went to a theatre, and got home so late that she was too tired to be wakeful. "By the by," she said next morning at breakfast, "don't worry about my being alone after you've gone. I thought it might be triste for the first few days, so I've rung up the Sparrow, and she's coming to occupy your room for a couple of weeks. She's off for her yearly trip abroad at the end of the month.

And this same feeling showed itself in other matters besides art: in ethics, as is shown by some verses which he addressed to a young friend, urging him not to be bound by a too rigid austerity: "Je sens qu'une triste chimère A toujours assombri ton âme: la Vertu...."

Its solid grandeur jarred upon the frivolous little Frenchman, who said that it was all 'tres magnifique, mais triste ah, triste! and went on to suggest that it would be improved if the balustrades were gilt.

He once said: "Je suis trop vieux; on ne devrait pas vieillir, mais que faire? c'est le seul moyen de devenir vieux. Un vieillard m'a toujours paru un personnage terrible et inutile, mais me voici un vieillard sans le savoir et je n'en suis pas triste." He is not deaf, nor does he wear glasses except to "dechiffrer ma propre musique" as he says.

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