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Before his demise, however, a party of ten tough-looking individuals entered the restaurant and, in forceful language, demanded the best the country offered in eatables and drink. My friend, or would-be-murderer, was in at the time and I noticed a look of cunning pleasure steal over his rough countenance. The strangers were dressed in corduroy trousers, velveteen coats, slouch hats and black ties.

One such student often called at the cloak-shop in which I was employed, and in which his father a tough-looking fellow with a sandy beard, a former teamster was one of the pressers. A classmate of this boy was supported by an aunt, a spinster who made good wages as a bunch-maker in a cigar-factory. To make an educated man of her nephew was the great ambition of her life.

And as he did so a harsh voice from the other end of the bar held him up. "What about me, Ju?" The tough-looking prairie man made his demand with a laugh only a shade less harsh than his speaking voice. Ju stood. His desperate, keen face was coldly still as he regarded the powerful frame of his challenger. Then his retort came swift and poignant. "You, Sikkem? You'd allus give yourself away.

The man was a bronzed, tough-looking ruffian, with an air of having seen service, and a certain foreign touch in his accent. He glanced somewhat contemptuously at his captor, and said; "Neatly done, sir; I marvel if you'll get any thanks." "What mean you?" said Humfrey sharply, but the fellow only shrugged his shoulders.

At nine o'clock at night we climbed the steep, slippery, slimy bank to the two cabins which constituted Johnson's Camp, to find the one apparently inhabitable cabin already occupied by four as tough-looking specimens of humanity as ever came down the Yukon.

"Much obliged," replied the other; "but in matters of this kind we make no such bargains." "I'll make it sixty, in case you don't axe it now." "Can you give me security that I'll survive you? Why, you are tough-looking enough to outlive me." "Me tough! no, God help me, my race is nearly ran; I won't be alive this day twelve months look at the differ atween us."

Here a rather tough-looking citizen, noticing that my garments are damp, suggests that 'cycling must be hard work to make a person perspire like that in this dry climate.

Smoothly the long, dust-covered coaches slid past. There was a waving of handkerchiefs and caps from the rear of the observation car, and the young man turned to look curiously about. "Hotel?" The stranger glanced doubtfully at the tough-looking citizen who reached for his suit case, and without replying stepped into the questionable looking hack standing nearby.

Tough-looking chap, isn't he? Well, you see I did not kill them all. I gave you the chance you asked for," he added, looking at her with admiring eyes. "And haven't I made the most of it?" she returned, lifting her flushed face, sparkling with smiles, from the fire. Stephen had crept in, pale-faced as the corpse itself, and stood now staring at it in a dumb horror.

She unhitched her horse, rolled up her picket rope, and stood waiting with disturbed face. As the rider drew near she called, "Perault! Ho, Perault!" "Hola!" exclaimed Perault, a wizened, tough-looking little Frenchman, pulling up his pony with a jerk "Bo jou, Mam'selle," he added, taking off his hat. Perault's manner is reassuring, indeed quite gay. "What is it, Perault? Why are you come back?