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'Well, Fred, she said, putting her hand upon his arm, 'I'll do my best, and woman can do no more. And now I'll say good-night, for I must pack for tomorrow's journey before I go to bed. Then he kissed her with a cold, chilling kiss and she left him for the night.

Abraham Lincoln never spoke again. The early beams of the tomorrow's sun touched, but failed to warm, the lifeless remain of the great War-President and Liberator, as they were borne, in mournful silence, back to the White House, mute and ghastly witness of the sheer desperation of those who, although armed Rebellion, in the open field, by the fair and legitimate modes of Military warfare, had ceased, were determined still to keep up that cowardly "fire in the rear" which had been promised to the Rebel leaders by their Northern henchmen and sympathizers.

This is Manchester Buildings; and here, at all hours of the night, may be heard the rattling of latch-keys in their respective keyholes: with now and then when a gust of wind sweeping across the water which washes the Buildings' feet, impels the sound towards its entrance the weak, shrill voice of some young member practising tomorrow's speech.

Till he found her he would not find its solution. It still seemed to him probable that somewhere among Lord Loudwater's papers there was information which would lead to her discovery, and he went into the library to confer again with Mr. Carrington on the matter. He found him discussing the arrangements for tomorrow's funeral with Mrs. Carruthers and Wilkins.

"While lack of opportunity has kept me from a personal participation in your games and sports, yet I am heartily in sympathy with them. Physical exercise is, I am convinced, of great benefit. In conclusion let me say that I trust that in tomorrow's game of baseball " "Football, you blamed fool!" whispered Bud, hoarsely.

Now the decisive moment of battle had come when Kutuzov would be destroyed and the power pass to Bennigsen, or even if Kutuzov won the battle it would be felt that everything was done by Bennigsen. In any case many great rewards would have to be given for tomorrow's action, and new men would come to the front. So Boris was full of nervous vivacity all day.

I may yet continue their story some day. Methinks it is a promise; a whisper across the miles of unrest; a pledge of the fulfillment of a prayer; a surety for tomorrow's sunshine! Already I can see a smile in the East: may I hope, and hoping believe?....

"Can't you understand?" he yelled at last with more strength of lung than politeness. "I quite understand, Mr. Crowe. You were in jail. No doubt we shall read all about it in tomorrow's papers." "No you won't I gave somebody else's name." "Oh." Mrs. Ellicott was ticking off the data gathered so far on her fingers. The brutal quarrel with Nancy. The rush to the nearest blind-tiger. The debauch.

"The Colonel paused. 'Good, thought I, 'tomorrow's menu is about to be considered. For you know the custom, Lieutenant, which has existed ever since there have been any officers' clubs in Africa. When an officer is passing by, his comrades go to meet him at the boat and invite him to remain with them for the length of his stay in port. He pays his score in news from home.

Not only so, but the poet is likely to lose sight completely of tomorrow's needs, once he has a little ready cash on hand. A few years ago, Philistines derived a good deal of contemptuous amusement from a poet's statement, Had I two loaves of bread ay, ay! What is to be done with such people? Charity officers are continually asking. What relief measure can poets themselves suggest?