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Ebberybody want ter call me by ole Mahs'r's name, an' dat I can't abide nohow; an' when I kicks 'bout it, dey jes gib me some odder one, Dey all seems ter tink I'se boun' ter hev two names, though I hain't got no manner o' right ter but one." "But how did you come to have dis one Ware?" persisted Eliab.

Annyhow, I bring her von here, und I esk you vill gif it to her mit my tanks, und my kint regarts, und pest vishes und annyting else you tink I could do for her. You tell Mis' Slawson I lige her to esk me to do someting whenefer she needs it yes?"

"No," replied Jack, laughing, "I'm afraid that he would like to have his skull as well as you, Mesty but at all events we must try and forgive those who injure us." "Then, Massa Easy, I tink so too too much revenge very bad it very easy to hate, but not very easy to forgive so I tink that if a man forgive, he hab more soul in him, he more of a man."

If the train is anything like punctual we shall be off long before they get to the station." "Besides, sah, dar are not many people knows your face, and it not likely de bery man dat know you come to the station. Lots of oder places to search, and dey most sure to tink you go right away not tink you venture to stop in town 'til the morning."

"I want to tell you someting, Massa Walter," said Potto; "so I send dat black fellow away." Dey again plot mischief. I hear dem talky, talky, when dey no tink I listen, just as before. What dey intend to do I do not 'xactly know; but it is mischief, I know dat. Dey no set de ship on fire again; but perhaps dey try to cast her away, or to scuttle her, or some oder ting.

You wanta marry her! You tink 'er reecha, pooty. You miseraba sneaka!" Here Bat, who had worked himself into a fury, swore an eloquent Italian oath. Sampey's time had come.

"I have de goot news, Sir Charles," said he, sinking his voice as one who speaks of weighty measures. "Es ist vollendet dat is, I have it at last thoroughly done." "Well, serve it hot," said my uncle, coldly, "and see that the sauces are a little better than when last I dined at Carlton House." "Ah, mine Gott, you tink I talk of de cuisine. It is de affair of de Prince dat I speak of.

At the mention of the lake and the cliff McLeod's brow darkened, and he glanced at Flora, who met his glance with a look of surprise. "Did you happen to hear the name of the place?" asked McLeod. "Oui, it vas, I tink, Lac Do, or Doo someting like so." "The scoundrel!" muttered McLeod between his teeth, while a gleam of wrath shot from his eyes.

And so that there young 'ooman's been up there a matter o' three-four days, ain't she?" "I tink so," assented Philippe. "D'ye know who she is?" asked Mrs. Kilrea, a severe looking and angular woman. "Sure, heem gal is friend o' Hugo," answered the Frenchman, simply. "Mebbe you better no go to-day. Hugo heem seek. I got to 'urry, so good-by."

Now you and I must get away by the door; and when Wendy comes she will think her mother has barred her out; and she will have to go back with me." Now I understand what had hitherto puzzled me, why when Peter had exterminated the pirates he did not return to the island and leave Tink to escort the children to the mainland. This trick had been in his head all the time.