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But I repeat that the troop which carried me off on that week's march included women; and women are a little like Balzac's tigress, creatures whom it is not impossible to tame, to charm, to break in, until you make friends of them." "Yes, yes," muttered the Premier, madly puzzled, "but that needs time." "I had a week." "And complete liberty of action." "No, no, Monsieur le Président.

The enemy worked hard all night on their abatis and intrenchments, and in the morning we found a ditch and parapet running clear across the point on which the post was situated. This point was cut by a road from the back country, across which was a heavy earthwork and a battery. This road was at the extremity of our left. General McClernand kept his head-quarters on his boat, the Tigress.

She would be in New York herself before anyone could suspect the meaning of that automobile in the shed or the owners would trouble themselves to come after it. Again her decision was quick and fierce. Her hand was on the bag. She would hold it against the world, all hell and heaven. With the leap of a tigress she was on the girl, the bag gripped in her left hand, the knife in her right.

More, indeed, for the Tigre's share of the prizes that you have taken here won't come to more than fifteen or twenty thousand at the outside. Besides that, we have got some booty on board the Tigress, but what it is worth I have no idea, for we simply bundled the things down below without opening anything. Still, no doubt it will be enough to give you a few pounds a head."

When you love happily, you are like the anaconda, whose poisonous bite one need not fear, when it is well fed and tended, but when you have ceased to love, you are like the tigress who, rashly awaked from sleep, would strangle the unfortunate who disturbed her repose. Come, my anaconda, come; if you are satisfied with my love, let us talk and dream."

"Be certain that it is only for a little. The Heavenly Ones have heard thee, and presently justice will be done. Go now, mother, to the flood again. Men and cattle are thick on the waters the banks fall the villages melt because of thee." "But the bridge the bridge stands." The Mugger turned grunting into the undergrowth as Krishna rose. "It is ended," said the Tigress, viciously.

Even when he carves a slumbering nymph, her proportions are tremendous she is like a sleeping tigress, calm and hushed, but giving evidence of preternatural strength; her very softness is the softness of melted gold when it hardens it will kill like lead; or, if that is a bad image, her very quiet is the quiet of the sea let the wind blow, and then ! Don't you see that Ophelia Juliet Imogen all of them, are endowed with tremendous power, as well as other qualities?

"A little tigress!" she thought; "and yet with infinite nobility, with wonderful germs of good in her. Of such a nature what a rare life might have been made! As it is, her childhood we smile at and forgive; but, great Heaven! what will be her maturity, her old age! Yet how she loves him! And she is so brave she will not show it."

A handful of thern warriors stood just behind the little party. As I entered the enclosure the eyes of those in the balcony were full upon me. An ugly smile distorted the cruel lips of Matai Shang. Thurid hurled a taunt at me and placed a familiar hand upon the shoulder of my princess. Like a tigress she turned upon him, striking the beast a heavy blow with the manacles upon her wrist.

The Count asked the boy's mother's Christian name, and being told it, his memory at once returned to him. "What! are you little Cat's son?" said his Excellency. "By heavens, mon cher Abbe, a charming creature, but a tigress positively a tigress. I recollect the whole affair now. She's a little fresh black-haired woman, a'n't she? with a sharp nose and thick eyebrows, ay?