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Updated: August 10, 2024

'Come along ter the quayside ternight at twelve o'clock. There's a bit uf loadin' up ter be done, an' only a few uv the men are required. I don't choose none wot I don't cotton to. 'You'll cotton ter me all right, matey, I ses, with a sort uv a larf that seemed ter tickle 'im. 'I'm as close as the devil 'imself.

The mass of heavy mist grows lighter, and the arms of the oak towering on the right show black against it. The tiny, frequent drops continue to tickle her outstretched hand, which she finally withdraws. Jeanne questions. "Well?" "It is raining." She sighs "What a bother," as if it were going to rain for ever.

"And when he brings her home, Captain," said I, "and fills the whole house with young ones who'll pull your tail and tickle your ears and play horse with my crutches, we shall sit outside and smoke our pipes alone, in peace and quiet, eh, Captain?" "Oho!" cried Captain. "That we will, and you never need want, Mark, for I've many a fine bone buried away against old age and rainy weather."

With the unceremoniousness of an owner, with that especial egoism of one in love, who, it would seem, is saying to the whole universe: "See, how happy we are this makes you happy also, isn't that so?" he would now pass his hand over her leg, which resiliently and in relief stood out beneath her dress, now pinch her on the cheek, now tickle her neck with his stiff, black, turned-up moustache ... But, even though he did sparkle with delight, there was still something rapacious, wary, uneasy to be glimpsed in his frequently winking eyes, in the twitching of the upper lip, and in the harsh outline of his shaved, square chin, jutting out, with a scarcely noticeable dent in the middle.

No one, therefore, had much to say of him, good or bad. In its kindly way the coast just left him alone, seeing that was what he wished. As the years went by it happened that hard tunes with a scarcity of food struck "Frying-Pan Tickle," the hospitable name of the cove where Sally was reared. Fish were scarce, capelin never struck in, fur could not be got.

From Venice the spices, the jewels, the perfumes, and stuffs of the East were transmitted north through Augsburg and Nürnberg to Antwerp and Bruges and the Hanse Towns, receiving from them the gold they had gained by their fisheries and textile goods. England sent her wool to Italy, in order to tickle her palate and her nose with the condiments and perfumes of the East.

But, holding the child under its arms, you have but to put its feet to the ground, and at once it will draw up its legs though it will make no other movement; or take it on your lap and tickle the soles of its feet, and laughing or crying, as the mood takes it, it will move its legs about as freely as you could wish and show that the power is still there, though for the present the child will not take the trouble to exert it.

'Chambermaid, bring a pan of coals and air my bed. 'Yes, Sir. Foller close at her heels, jist put a hand on each short rib, tickle her till she spills the red hot coals all over the floor, and begins to cry over 'em to put 'em out, whip the candle out of her hand, leave her to her lamentations, and then off to roost in no time.

Dorothy looked so dignified and important as she finished her little speech that irrepressible Charlotte longed to tickle her or rumple her hair, two things that the neat Dorothy loathed. As she couldn't she only said meekly, "Please, ma'am, are we to choose which we'd rather cook? If we are, I prefer the apples." "So do I," laughed Katharine; "you're not any lazier than I am, Charlotte."

"Oh, massa, top till you marry creole wife, she will tell you me say true; ah, daresay Miss Mary himself love chiger to tickle him to be sure him love to be tickle him love to be tickle ay, all Creole miss love to be tickle he, he, he!"

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