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Updated: August 16, 2024

Quilty, who was hovering in the background, and chuckled as that garrulous gentleman proceeded to unwind an apparently endless welcome. "I like him," Clyde whispered. "Pure gold," said Casey, and created a diversion. He helped Quilty deposit the bags in the station. "Thon's a fine gyurrl," said the latter, with a jerk of his thumb toward the platform." "Right," Casey replied.

"I came to settle the details about this expedition to Hamburg," said Lord Dunseverick. "Well," said McMunn, "there's no that much left to settle. The Brothers is ready." "The Brothers?" "The McMunn Brothers. Thon's the model of her on the chimneypiece." Lord Dunseverick looked at the model attentively. It represented a very unattractive ship.

"Now thon's a brave loose lump iv a baste," he continued, following my eye as I glanced over the half-caste's splendid mount. "Aisy till ketch, an' as quite as ye plaze." "How old is he, Mr. M'Nab?" "He must be purty oul', he's so quite and thractable. Ye kin luck at his mouth. A don't ondherstand the marks myself." I opened the horse's mouth. He was just five.

"Thon's fine talk," growled the sergeant, "but who bid us strip the wench? Is bloody Twinely turning chicken-hearted at the last?" Captain Twinely did not choose to hear the sergeant's words, or the grumbling of the men around him. He put his troop in motion, and trotted off towards Antrim. Neal, running and stumbling, dazed, utterly weary and dejected, was dragged with them.

Sure thon poor craytur iv a baste hes n't got the sthrenth fur till kerry it own hide, let alone a great gommeril on it back. An' thon's furnent ye! Hello, Tamson! begog A did n't know ye at wanst." "Good day, Mr. M'Nab. Alterations since I delivered you that wire at Poondoo. Been in the wars?" For M'Nab was leaning forward and sideways in his saddle, evidently in pain.

I used to drive such a long ball with this instrument, that when I took it out of my bag to play with it, my brother professionals used to say, "There's Harry with his driver again"; and I remember that when on one occasion Andrew Kirkaldy was informed that I was playing a driving mashie shot, he was indignant, and exclaimed, "Mashie! Nay, man, thon's no mashie. It's jest a driver."

But you'll find out what kind of man he is if you go in through the door forninst you. It's his office, thon's one with the brass plate on the door. My business will keep till you're done with him." Lord Dunseverick pushed open one of a pair of swinging doors, and found himself in a narrow passage. On his right was a ground glass window bearing the word "Inquiries." He tapped at it.

But at last it chanced one day that Gibson, for some purpose, had mustered his ewes and lambs, and as the men went about their work, one of the older shepherds, Hyslop by name, halted abruptly as a lamb ran up to a certain ewe, and suckled. "Dod!" cried Hyslop, "thon's auld Maggie an' her lamb!"

I dare not stay here." "Thon's what Miss Una said. But, faith, if it's the yeomen you're afeard of, I'll no let them near you." "I daren't, Hannah; I daren't do it. I must away to-night and lie in the Pigeon Cave. I'll be safe there, and you must manage somehow to get food to me."

'Thon's no a Scotch lilt, remarked one of the roughs. 'A ken it's Irish, said Merton. 'But, billie, the whusky's Scotch! The train slowed and the old gentleman got out. From the platform he stormed at Merton. 'Ye're no an awakened character, ma freend, answered Merton. 'Gude nicht to ye! Gie ma love to the gude wife and the weans! The train pursued her course.

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