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That is why a third-class carriage is a community, while a first-class carriage is a place of wild hermits. But this matter, which is difficult, I may be permitted to approach in a more circuitous way.

<b>FORTIN DE COOL, DELFINA.</b> Third-class medal, Madrid, 1864, for the following works reproduced on porcelain: the "Conception" of Murillo, the "Magdalen" of Antolinez, and the portrait of Alonso Cano by Velazquez; also a portrait on ivory of a young girl. This artist, who was French by birth, was a pupil of her father.

In three months or so it would be open to those who could afford their penny a mile no, but I am forgetting, on the privileged group to which it belongs no European may travel third-class. I did not welcome that railway with any warmth. The district that it tapped had seemed to me a camping-ground of refuge, as civilization pressed on.

Berlioz gives an amusing account of his going to compete with the horde of applicants butchers, bakers, shop-apprentices, etc. each one with his roll of music under his arm. The manager scanned the raw-boned starveling with a look of wonder. "Where's your music?" quoth the tyrant of a third-class theatre. "I don't want any, I can sing anything you can give me at sight," was the answer.

It is just likely that the colonel will commit a small offence, with the object of getting himself three months in gaol there's no hiding-place like gaol, you know, Stafford. The real danger is that he may not actually tramp or assume the guise of the real low-down loafer. He may have the sense to become a poor but honest workman, travelling third-class from town to town in search of work.

Turning away with a sigh that was very like a hiccough, he trudged to the railway-station and took a ticket to Dresden, going third-class as best befitting his clothes and appearance. He felt ashamed enough of himself as the train rumbled over the rolling land between Freiberg and the capital, and gave him time to think connectedly over what had happened, and what he now was.

I remember myself as it were waking up to the thing I was alone in one of the dingy "third-class" compartments of that time and the sudden nearly frantic insurgence of my rage. I stood up with the cry of an angry animal, and smote my fist with all my strength against the panel of wood before me. . . .

If I could even get to you by walking some of the way, and going third-class the rest, I would jump at the chance, but . Lucky fellow, you know nothing of the res angusta domi. "You must be amused at the name of this place, Fuzby-le-Mud. What charming prospects the name opens, does it not? I assure you the name fits the place exactly. My goodness! how I do hate the place.

I said, 'I thought she might be a nurse. 'No, she's his wife, contended Carraway. 'It's cheek of him bringing her on board with the third-class passengers. I said, 'Which is her husband? 'He's been pointed out to me, he said. 'The other white men seem rather to avoid him. I don't know what your opinion on this point may be, he said.

But country boys are apt to form wrong ideas on this subject, and are in too great haste to forsake good country homes for long hours of toil behind a city counter, and a poor home in a dingy, third-class city boarding house. It is only in the wholesale houses, for the most part, that high salaries are paid, and then, of course, only to those who have shown superior energy and capacity.