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"I suppose," she said, after an interval, "that Lady Markland will come to see me as soon as she knows I am here. Shall they have any one there for the shooting this year? Eustace quite looks forward to a day now and then. There is the Warren at least, which poor dear papa never preserved, but which I hope Theo Eustace says that Theo will really be failing in his duty if he does not preserve."

It's absurd! ended the sailor in a more kindly tone, after he had pushed his spectacles up into the roots of his iron-grey hair, to take a leisurely look at the earnest, agitated face confronting him. 'Now, I'll tell you what, Price! he began again 'the best thing you can do is to go and talk the matter over with Theo. That girl can do anything with her brothers.

There are days when she looks surprisingly young and blooming. Why should Theo and I have been so happy, and thou so lonely? Vanity Fair "Vanity Fair" was published in 1848, and at once placed its author in the front rank of novelists. It was followed by "Pendennis" in 1850, "Esmond" in 1852, "The Newcomes" in 1855, and "The Virginians" in 1859.

"Oh yes, to be sure! what has that to do with it? You can put away your books for to-day. As for being prepared, my boy, if my head had not been so bad " "Is your head bad, Theo?" Geoff put on a hypo-critical look of solicitude to divert attention from his own delinquencies.

The cake-shop was open: and Theo took out her little purse, netted by her dearest friend at school, and containing her pocket-piece, her grandmother's guinea, her slender little store of shillings nay, some copper money at one end; and she treated Charley to the meal which he loved. A great deal of fine company was at church.

Most affectionately yours, New-York, September 30, 1802. Another mail has arrived, but to your Theo. it has brought only unhappiness. It is now a week since I received your last letter. You are ill. You have been imprudent, and all my fears are fulfilled. Without any one near you to feel for you, to attend to you, to watch every change and share every pain. Your wife only could do that.

"And mind you come to us, George," says her ladyship, waving a little parting hand out of the gilt coach. "Theo and I have settled all about it." "Here, at least," said I, when the laced footmen had clambered up behind the carriage, and our magnificent little patroness had left us; "here is one who is not afraid of our poverty, nor ashamed to remember her own."

I have a thousand questions to ask, my dear Theo., but nothing to communicate; and thus I fear it will be throughout the winter, for my time is consumed in the dull uniformity of study and attendance in Senate; but every hour of your day is interesting to me. I would give, what would I not give to see or know even your most trifling actions and amusements?

'Boys! Theo's clear treble voice rang through the din that was shaking the very pictures on the walls of the Bunk dining-room. 'Why, it's Theo, I declare! shouted Geoff, the first to hear his sister. 'We're in a state of mutiny, Theo! Isn't it fun? He shrieked in his glee. 'We've turned on old Price, and completely routed him off the decks, and we've seized the ship.

Not that Theo was of a jealous disposition, far otherwise; but there are cases when a lady has a right to a little jealousy, as I maintain, whatever my fair readers may say to the contrary. It was because she knew he was engaged, very likely, that Miss Lyddy permitted herself to speak so frankly in Mr. George's praise. When they were alone and this blessed chance occurred pretty often at Mr.