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He was still sweating, for when he left the sill, the place had been a furnace, but he said nothing, and instantly Alexander wheeled again and spoke impulsively. "I've got ter crave yore pardon, Bud," she exclaimed. "Paw said he didn't hold no grudge ergin you nohow. An' I reckon ye've done sought right slavish ter make amends ternight."

He made us sit down at the table, and Mirandy placed the best her simple larder afforded before us. As we went out by the fire again, our host said, with some embarrassment: "Now, strangers, I know ye're fagged out, an' for sure ye're welcome to the tiptop of everythin' we've got. But I'm blessed if I can tell whar ye're a-goin' ter sleep ternight.

"Jest make yerselves ter home hyere ternight, an' in the mornin' I'll put yer on the right road to A . Lors, but yer must a-had a march! Been purty much all over the woods, I reckon. Mirandy!" he continued, calling to some one inside the cabin. "Mirandy!" "I'm a-heedin', Josh. What's the matter?" inquired a scrawny, sandy-haired woman, coming to the door, with her arms akimbo.

"I reckon a mosquiter could n't git through along thet trail ternight. Ever hear tell o' Daggett Station?" Winston rubbed his chin, endeavoring to recall the name. "I 'm not sure. Is it the water-tank and section-house, next stop below Bolton Junction, on the main line?" "You 've called the tarn.

"Miss Annie, honey, go git your res' mawnin' brings light. Maybe Marse Wes'll come to his solid senses een de mawnin'. You cain' do nuffin' ternight noway." "No, that's so." She sighed hopelessly. "Unc' Zenas, maybe we could hire somebody else to cut the wheat if he won't."

In the latent intensity of his personality dwelt a sheer wizardry which few women could have withstood. "Hev ye ever seed a comet in ther heavens?" he abruptly demanded and without waiting for a reply swept rapidly on. "Well ye're like ter a comet, Alexander. Every star thet shines out thar ternight is hung high up in heaven an' every one is bright.

Ye kin sleep hyar ternight anyhow, an' termorrer when I've talked with ther state lawyer I'll give ye my answer but not afore then." Will Turk did not sleep that night. His thoughts were embattled with the conflict of many emotions, and morning found him hollow-eyed. In its sum total, this man's use of his power had been unquestionable abuse.

"It's half Oi' belave yer stringin' me roight now," he announced doubtfully, "but Oi 'll give yer ther benefit ov' the doubt; only the two ov' yer better kape on a-goin' till yer git under cover. Don't let me run across yer along this beat agin ternight. Be gory av yer do, Oi 'll let yer explain to ther sargint over at ther station. Go on now!"

"Thar's ther last glimpse we gits ternight of ther house an' ther old tree," said Rowlett who stood a few feet away and, as Maggard turned to look, the night stillness broke into a bellowing that echoed against the precipice and the newcomer lurched forward like an ox struck with a sledge.

"Whut in thunder is ther matter with them hosses?" he asked suddenly, rising and peering over into the bushes beyond the hut, where a noise of squealing and kicking had arisen. "Oh, the bay filly is probably over the rope agin," returned the sergeant, lazily. "Sit down, Sims, an' be easy; you're not on hoss guard ternight."