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Pleased at Lucy's reception, Susan surveyed the audience hopefully handsome men in nankeen trousers, red waistcoats, white neckcloths, and gray swallowtail coats, sitting beside beautiful young women wearing gowns of bombazine and watered silk with wide hoop skirts and elaborately trimmed bonnets which set off their curls.

It was dotted with non-commissioned officers of the Dragoons, whose band, by kind permission of Colonel Swallowtail, were, as usual, in the orchestra; and that corpulent and distinguished warrior himself, with his Waterloo medal and a number of his young men, made a handsome show in the boxes. "Who is that odd-looking person bowing to you, Arthur?" Mrs. Pendennis asked of her son.

There were some steel engravings, dim under their old glasses, on the wall, Evangeline, and Lincoln's Cabinet, and Daniel Webster in a rumpled shirt and a long swallowtail; all of which Eleanor's looking-glass and the mirrored doors of a black-walnut wardrobe, reflected in multiplying dullness. Maurice's charming good nature in that first boarding winter never failed.

I count as one of my red-letter days that on which I found him brooding over the little gray-brown chrysalis of the Papilio Cresphontes, that splendid swallowtail whose hideous caterpillar we in the South call the orange puppy, from the fancied resemblance the hump upon it bears to the head of a young dog.

An obese and tremendous darkey in swallowtail waved a white-gloved hand at them, turned ponderously, and preceded them down the aisle with the pomp of a drum major. His dignity was colossal, awe inspiring, remote. Their progress became a procession, a triumphal procession, such as few of Caesar's generals had ever known.

Flossie asked, just trembling with excitement. "I saw Harry and Bert go in the tent some time ago," whispered Nan; "and see, they are loosing the tent flap." There was a shout of applause when Harry appeared. He actually wore a swallowtail coat and had on a choker a very high collar and a bright green tie.

Gray smiled: "I guess they're there all right if a man knows 'em when he sees 'em." "Were you badly shot up?" "Not so bad. They shoot a pea-rifle, single shot all over silver and swallowtail stock " "I know," smiled McKay. "Well, you know them. It drills nasty with a soft bullet, cleaner with a chilled one. My left hand's a wreck but I sha'n't lose it."

His tunic dress, instead of being a blue one like what most of the men wore, was made of green plaid, but on Sundays, a dark blue "swallowtail" coat with brass buttons made its appearance, and with shoes newly polished he was ready for church.

The present occasion was different. Between where he lay and the friendly sight of Swallowtail Light was more than eight hundred and fifty miles of wallowing, tumbling ocean. Treacherous shoals underran it, biting rocks pierced up in saw-toothed reefs, the bitterest gales of all the seas swept in leaden wastes.

But mind, you'll find things different. Your mother is boss of any land she puts her foot on, but once I get the Rosan past Swallowtail my word goes." "All right, daddy dear," laughed the girl; "I know you'll be just the finest captain I ever sailed with." She kissed him impulsively and ran up-stairs to tell her mother the good news.