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Yesterday, she explained, he had received a slight bullet-wound by accident, and to-day, in their long travel, the loss of blood had disabled him. "Does he belong to you, young lady?" Susannah busied herself with the bandages for a moment, but terror had carried her far. She replied with gentle decision, "He is my husband." "It is our fault."

"Dearest Japhet, thy father will be much displeased." "I cannot help it," replied I "I shall submit to his displeasure." "Nay, but, Japhet, why risk thy father's wrath?" "Well, then," replied I, attempting to reach her lips, "I will go." "Nay, nay indeed, Japhet, you exact too much it is not seemly." "Then I won't go." "Recollect about thy father." "It is you who detain me, Susannah."

Coming up one day to Susannah, the wife of Edward Young, Thursday October Christian begged that she would go with him and bathe. Susannah was engaged in making the native cloth at the time, and laid down her mallet with a look of indecision.

"Our sister Susannah Halsey, because of faithfulness when the Church was yet poor and unknown, and because of the faithfulness of her husband, who wears the martyr's crown our sister Susannah Halsey, I say, is welcome to the hospitality of the Nauvoo House as long as she has remained and shall remain; and the money which has been given to her for the school shall be returned to her, and more shall be added to it, for she laboured faithfully."

"Well, as I said before, I guess you can think it over for a few days." This was his easy answer to her look, and he went out, slamming the door. When that day began to wane Susannah was still sitting in the empty curtained room. No plan which offered even a fair hope of escape had occurred to her mind.

Dame Susannah gave way; the nurse was sent for, and as soon as the chariot came round Katharina flung her arms round her mother's neck, promising her not to stay long, and in a few minutes the chariot stopped at the door of the bishop's palace. She bid the nurse wait for her and went alone into the vast, rambling house.

Miss Kathleen found only one lover, William Craven, whose honest affection she flouted; and Miss Susannah found no lover at all. Miss Kathleen wanted a duke, or an earl a prince of the blood royal being about that time unprocurable; and an attorney, to her Irish ideas, seemed a very poor sort of substitute.

Susannah Kennedy, daughter of Sir Archibald Kennedy of Cullean, Bart., by Elizabeth Lesly, daughter of David Lord Newark, third wife of Alexander 9th Earl of Eglinton, and mother of the 10th and 11th Earls. She survived her husband, who died 1729, no less than fifty-seven years, and died March 1780, in her ninety-first year.

Then he took another sip. "Hast seen her?" "I seed her for a minute, but our Susannah wouldna' let me stop i' th' room. Her was raving like." "Missis?" "Ay!" "And th' babbies hast seen them?" "Ay! But I can make nowt out of 'em. Mrs Eardley says as her's never seen no finer." "Doctor gone?" "That he has na'! He's bin up there all the blessed night, in his shirt-sleeves.

When Mr Masterton had finished speaking, Susannah waited a few seconds, and then replied, "It becomes not one so young and weak as I am, to argue with thee, who art so much my senior. I cannot cavil at opinions which, if not correct, at least are founded on the holy writings; but I have been otherwise instructed."