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Semhians has been superciliously and ineffectively punning in foreign presences: he and his chief are inwardly shocked by a new perception; What if, now that we have the populace for paymaster, subservience to the literary tastes of the populace should reduce the nation to its lowest mental level, and render us not only unable to compete with the foreigner, but unintelligible to him, although so proudly paid at home!

New Boards new Commissioners new Forms new everything had to be got up, and all were commenced too late; it was, therefore, long, provokingly and unnecessarily long, before anything was done. The Rev. Mr. Moore, Rector of Cong, in one of his letters, complains that he was superciliously treated at the relief office in Dublin Castle, and finally told relief was only to be had in the workhouse.

I am not a judge thereof; but were it so, it can easily be forgiven if he only remains sincere and true to the cause. One is amazed and even aghast at the impudence of the McClellan and West Point cliques. In their lingo, heroes like Kearney, like Hooker and Heintzelman, all such are superciliously mentioned as only fighting generals. O, unfighting strategians!

In the evening, we arrived at the post of Bas de la Rivière, in charge of an Orkney-man, by name Clouston, who had risen from the ranks, and who, seeing what small fry he had to deal with, treated us somewhat superciliously.

I've got a better situation." "Have you?" said Dick. "I'm glad to hear it. I'm always happy to hear that my friends are risin' in the world." "You needn't class me among your friends," said Roswell, superciliously. "No, I won't," said Dick. "I'm goin' to be particular about my associates, now that I'm gettin' up in the world." "Do you mean to insult me?" demanded Roswell, haughtily.

Halloa! Tim, bring the rockingham and the tea-chest; do you hear?" "Well, Harry, so you've done the game-bag," exclaimed the other, as he lifted it up and eyed it somewhat superciliously "Well, it is a good one certainly; but you are the queerest fellow I ever met, to give yourself unnecessary trouble.

"How came you to be so far away?" demanded Jim's fine gentleman as they were passing through the market-place. Jim was engaged in superciliously ignoring the amazed stares of the town boys who were apt to look down on the "workhouse kid," though he attended the Whitmansworth school. Once past them he answered the question vaguely. "The master was out: I hadn't to do anything."

"Yes, speak," said the king, "but quickly, or the crowd will take your secret from you." "Hostess!" cried Deesen, from the box, "do you know what that crowd means?" "No," she said, superciliously. "I will explain; listen, madame. The magistrates are coming to greet the King of Prussia!" "The King of Prussia!" shrieked the hostess. "Where is the King of Prussia?"

Dass, that a man of your education cannot get better employment than this," remarked Dermot. The Bengali smiled superciliously. "Oah, yess, I can, of course. This " He checked himself suddenly, and his manner became more cringing. "Yess, sir, I can with much facility procure employment of sedentary nature.

The magistrate asked him superciliously if he meant them to understand that he was in favour of emancipation; and when Worse answered that he was, the magistrate asked him with a smile how he thought he would be treated by an "emancipated wife." Worse, however, maintained that it was not a question how a man was treated, but what the relation really was which existed between the two.