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You don't expect us to knock round in those, do you?" "Sure not. But if you wore those caps you'd get sunstruck out on the plains. We've got some sombreros you can take." As the boys trooped out onto the piazza Tom espied a five-bar fence about a hundred yards from the house. "That's the horse corral," explained Horace, noting the direction of his friend's gaze.

A young corporal who had been bending anxiously over the sergeant straightened up and saluted: "I know him well, sir, and have been with him five years. He's only had one sick spell in all that time, 'twas just like this, and then he told me he'd been sunstruck once." "This is no case of sunstroke," said the doctor. "It looks more like the heart. How long ago was the attack you speak of?"

Private Lauer was missing and Dellett sunstruck. Private Hoft had joined the battery on hearing it go into action, and it was necessary to send someone back as guard over the camp equipage. A volunteer was called for, and it was with the utmost difficulty that a member of the detachment, Private Pyne, was induced to take this duty.

General Payne had been wounded in the leg in the forenoon, but we could not get up where he was to give him any aid, consequently he had to lay there in the burning sun till night, when he was brought away in safety. It was a scorching hot day and a number were sunstruck, some cases proving fatal. I was exhausted and had to lie down in the shade.

"You will have me sunstruck yet, if you wear those clothes around here. What is up, anyway?" "A lot of us boys are going to the Klondike," said the red-headed boy, as he took a big hunting knife out of a sheath, "and I came in to see if you would grubstake me.

"You ought ter see me two weeks from now," he protested. "I get all sunburnt and hard hard as anything!" The young man was incredulous. "You were near getting sunstruck when I picked you up," he laughed. "If you're going to Hunter's Island, why didn't you go to Pelham Manor?" "That's right!" assented Jimmie eagerly. "But I wanted to save the ten cents so's to send Sadie to the movies.

Instead of standing right out in the blistering noon-day sun of earthly trial and trouble, come under the Rock. You may drive into it the longest caravan of disasters. Room for the suffering, heated, sunstruck, dying, of all generations, in the shadow of the great Rock: "Rock of ages, cleft for me, Let me hide myself in Thee."

"In the middle of the day the pavements seem to be about on fire, and people are afraid to walk far, lest they may be sunstruck. Yesterday two men died with the heat. There seems to be no air stirring from morning till night. Besides, there is much sickness in town, and many persons have left their houses, and gone into the country.

When the children had gone to school in the morning, they had seen Larry's figure, as they passed along the street, stretched out full-length beneath the trees near the gutter curbstone; and when they returned, there he was still. They looked at him with curiosity; and some of the boys even paused beside him and bent over to see if he were sunstruck.

Sproul's pale blue eyes filled with indignant tears, and she turned toward Melissa, who looked up from the step, a gleam of sisterly sympathy lighting up the wan dejection of her young face. "I wouldn't fret, Minervy," she said kindly; "Lysander don't mind the heat. People never get sunstruck here; it's only back East. I don't think it's so very warm, nohow." "Oh, it's hot enough," sniffled Mrs.