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Mis' Kittridge has gone shoppin' up to Brunswick, and left Sally a 'stent' to do; and I promised her if she'd clap to and do it quick, I'd go up and fetch you down, and we'd have a play in the cove." Mara's eyes brightened, as they always did at this prospect, and Mrs.

Carter unsheathed his heavy cane-knife and cut palmetto fans for rethatching where required; Eudo Stent looked after the horses; Bulow's axe rang among the fragrant red cedars; the Indian squatted gravely before a characteristic Seminole fire built of logs, radiating like the spokes of a cart-wheel from the centre which was a hub of glowing coals.

When, after a time, Stephen began to speak to Maria on behalf of Stent, the lady at last hinted that she had another attachment, and, on further pressure, it appeared that the object of the attachment was Stephen himself. He was not insensible, as he then discovered, to Maria's charms. 'I have been told, he says, 'that no man can love two women at once; but I am confident that this is an error.

She had not gone ten paces when the publican overtook her and asked: "Say, miss, where be yer a-goin'?" "Home," answered Janice. "Then come yer back an' rest a bit in the settin'-room, an' I'll have my boy hitch up an' take yer thar. 'T is a mortal warm day, an' I calkerlate yer've walked your stent." He put his hand kindly on her arm, and the girl obediently turned about and entered the tavern.

I got back to lunch about two, very tired for, as I have said, the day was extremely hot and dull; and in order to refresh myself I took a cold bath in the afternoon. About half past four I went up to the railway station to get an evening paper, for the morning papers had contained only a very inaccurate description of the killing of Stent, Henderson, Ogilvy, and the others.

But tenny rate, the upshot of the matter wuz that the nurse thought she would keep half of the Master's orders she wouldn't let The Little Maid out of her sight. So she hired a cab she had plenty of money, Elnathan didn't stent her on wages. He had his good qualities, Elnathan did.

It's probably a perversion of stint, a task or part, which is also to be found in the dictionary as stent. What does it matter? There is the word, and there is the thing, and both are charming. I approve of the stunt because it is always the stuntist's own. He imagined it, he made it, and he loves it.

Instantly both Brown and Stent thought of the same thing: the chance that these Germans might spy others of the Athabasca regiment prowling among the ferns and rocks of neighbouring slopes. The game was nearly at an end, anyway. They exchanged a glance; both picked up their rifles; Brown nodded almost imperceptibly. The tragic comedy was approaching its close.

Fate laid a guiding hand on the shoulder of Carfax and gave him a gentle shove toward the Vosges. Destiny linked arms with Stent and Brown and led them toward Italy. Wayland’s rendezvous with Old Man Death was in Finistère. Neeland sailed with an army corps, but Chance met him at Lorient and led him into the strangest paths a young man ever travelled.

As they stood there looking over the undulating park, and Gifford, curbing his impatience, was talking of certain changes which had taken place since his early days there, the butler was seen hurrying towards them. "Callers, I suppose," Morriston observed with a half-yawn. "What is it, Stent?" "Could I speak to you, sir?" the man said, stopping short a little distance away.