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Now I was thinkin' you know, I don't suppose we've hardly mentioned the girl's name at table since Jim went, but it seems to me maybe if " Sheridan flung out his arms, uttering a sound half-groan, half-yawn. "You're barkin' up the wrong tree! Go on back to bed, mamma!" "Why am I?" she demanded, crossly. "Why am I barkin' up the wrong tree?" "Because you are. There's nothin' in it."

"That was only because she cared for YOU," returned Stacy, with a half-yawn; "and now that you've got YOUR share she isn't going to take a breathless interest in US. And, by the way, I'd rather YOU'D remind us that we owe our luck to her than that SHE should ever remind YOU of it." "What do you mean?" said Barker quickly.

As they stood there looking over the undulating park, and Gifford, curbing his impatience, was talking of certain changes which had taken place since his early days there, the butler was seen hurrying towards them. "Callers, I suppose," Morriston observed with a half-yawn. "What is it, Stent?" "Could I speak to you, sir?" the man said, stopping short a little distance away.

She laughed indulgently. "So we are getting down to brass tacks, eh? I have beaten you in argument, and now you are leading trumps." She put her hands behind her head and her lips parted in a half-yawn. "Does everything come back to one thing? I wish I knew! It's more than likely that, under the same conditions, I should have been very like your stenographers if they are good ones.

The girl gave a half-yawn of indifference. "I didn't know it," she said. "Oh, yes," he went on; "south of here, in the San Juan country. Spent a couple of years there once." "That's interesting," replied Laura, with another yawn, and still not turning her head. With a chuckle of self-satisfaction, he went on: "It was then that I made some money there. It's always interesting when you make money.