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Then she led me away and showed me the young falcons still in the nest. "They are termed niais in falconry," she explained. "A branchier is the young bird which is just able to leave the nest and hop from branch to branch. A young bird which has not yet moulted is called a sors, and a mue is a hawk which has moulted in captivity.

"Infelix ego, non illo qui tempore natus, Quo facilis natura fuit; sors O mea laeva Nascendi, miserumque genus!" &c. but we now see that unless Mr. Andrew Becket had also been produced at that early period, we should have derived no extraordinary degree of satisfaction from witnessing the first appearance of Shakespeare's plays, since it is quite clear that we could not have understood them.

Ton esprit enerve croupit dans la molesse. Reveille toi, sois homme, et sors de ton ivresse. L'homme est ne pour agir, et tu pretens penser?" &c. The original runs thus:

She spoke again in the sweet forgotten language: "If you would rather attach the longe and leave thy hagard au bloc, Raoul, I shall say nothing; for it were a pity to spoil so fair a day's sport with an ill-trained sors. Essimer abaisser, it is possibly the best way. Ca lui donnera des reins. I was perhaps hasty with the bird. It takes time to pass a la filiere and the exercises d'escap."

In this opinion agree Alexander of Hales, part 2 of his Summa, question 185, membrane 2; Angelus in his Summa under the word sors, section 2, after the gloss in Summa 26, question 2; Antoninus, part 2, title 12, chapter 1, section 9. Secondly, that gain is not to be considered unlawful because it comes without labour. This would exclude gifts.

Our nursery games of children dancing in a round, and one being taken by the casting of a kerchief, is a relic of an old heathen sors, by which a victim for immolation was selected; and it is very probable that the dancing on bridges had something to do with this.

There is an ellipsis before nisi quod, which R. would supply thus: greatly to the credit of both parties but more praise belongs to the good wife, etc. Major sc. quam in bono viro. So, after plus supply quam in malo viro: But more praise belongs to a good wife, than to a good husband, by as much as more blame attaches to a bad wife, than to a bad husband. Sors quaesturae.

Ma femme ne sort que pour aller a la messe, et moi je ne sors jamais de mes habitudes." We felt snubbed, as no doubt we deserved to be. Gounod played most enchantingly some selections from "Romeo et Juliette," the opera he has just composed. I hear that he wants Christine Nilsson to sing it. The music seems to me even more beautiful than "Faust."

His "discovery" was acclaimed by Beranger: Fourier nous dit: Sors de la fange, Peuple en proie aux deceptions, Travaille, groupe par phalange, Dans un cercle d'attractions; La terre, apres tant de desastres, Forme avec le ciel un hymen, Et la loi qui regit les astres, Donne la paix au genre humain. "The imagination of poets has placed the golden age in the cradle of the human race.

But as to death, it is inevitable: "Omnes eodem cogimur; omnium Versatur urna serius ocius Sors exitura, et nos in aeternum Exilium impositura cymbae." All must to eternal exile sail away." and, consequently, if it frights us, 'tis a perpetual torment, for which there is no sort of consolation. There is no way by which it may not reach us.