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Updated: August 3, 2024

Let me see the name of the damned snake-in-the-grass that's at the bottom of all this!" And he snatched for the letter in Payson's hand. The ranchman quickly thrust the missive into pocket. His cause being weak and unworthy, he whipped up his indignation by adopting a high tone and overbearing manner, even demeaning himself by using his position as Bud's employer to crush the younger man.

"Give me the woods, with a fresh wind blowing, and the world looks good to me," then his voice and face fell, as he added, "excepting that snake-in-the-grass, Ged Raffer." "That man must make you a lot of trouble, Uncle Henry," said Nan sympathetically. "He does," growled the lumberman. "He's a miserable, fox-faced scoundrel, and I've no more use for him than I have for an egg-sucking dog.

Gwendolyn, listening, contemplated her governess thoughtfully. She had often heard her pronounced a snake-in-the-grass. Miss Royle was also pale. "That will do!" she declared. "I shall report you to Madam." "Report!" echoed Jane, giving a loud, harsh laugh, and shaking her hair the huge pompadour in front, the pug behind. "Well, go ahead. And I'll report you and your handy neuralgia."

"You're rid of me," answered Jane, calling through the weave of the hamper "Yes! But how about Miss Royle?" "We'll send her back too," declared the Man-Who-Makes-Faces. "Here! Where are you?" He ran about, searching. The others searched also through the grass, behind the granite shift, everywhere. Concern sobered each face. For the snake-in-the-grass was gone!

Griffin among the other guests, and then the commander of the frigate followed the lieutenant on deck. Here he found every officer in the ship, all looking at le Feu-Follet with longing eyes, and most of them admiring her appearance, as she lay on the mirrorlike Mediterranean, with the two light sails just holding her stationary. "A regular-built snake-in-the-grass!" growled the boatswain, Mr.

"If some fairy only would take care of that snake-in-the-grass behind me!" quivered Mr. Farnum, silently. Having the uniformed boy plainly in sight, though some hundred or more feet ahead, Farnum by no means felt like giving up the race. All the same, the boatbuilder, long out of practice in athletics, was beginning to feel severely the effects of this chase over rough ground and through bushes.

Not that snake-in-the-grass, Jed?" Love and trouble were synonymous with Lois Ann when one was young and pretty and a fool. "Jed? Jed indeed!" "Child, out with it!" "I I am going to tell you, Miss Lois Ann." Then the knotted old hand fell like a withered leaf upon the soft hair the woman-heart was ready to bear another burden.

It is the test of a novel writer's art that he conceals his snake-in-the-grass; but the reader may be sure that it is always there. No man or woman with a conscience, no man or woman with intellect sufficient to produce amusement, can go on from year to year spinning stories without the desire of teaching; with no ambition of influencing readers for their good.

And he began to pour out the most extraordinary flood of furious invective upon his granddaughter and upon Richard Hartley, whom he quite unjustly termed a snake-in-the-grass, and finally upon all women, past, contemporary, or still to be born. Ste.

It was not till a strange hysterical note crept into her voice that he realized what she was saying. "Speak to me, please! What shall I do? What ought I to do? Tell me, tell me!" "Do?" he exclaimed. "Do? Why, nothing, my dear. It's a damnable, treacherous snake-in-the-grass lie!

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